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EnvironmentNAT Gateway - Out
ESB TEST34.249.236.99
ESB PROD34.248.234.12

Circular Message Flow

The circular message flow prevents a message loop between Integration Partner and Protel.


The Integration Partner sends an OTA_ProfileModifyRQ message to Protel. This profile is modified in the PMS and then sent again as OTA_ProfileModifyRQ by the PMS. The Integration Partner will also modify the profile again and send it back to Protel, thus creating an endless loop. 

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To stop this endless loop, we have implemented the "Caused-By CorrelationID". The "Caused-By CorrelationID" is automatically added to the outbound messages by the PMS if a modification has been made due to an inbound message. Based on the "Caused-By CorrelationID", our ESB knows to which Ontegration Partner the message does not have to be sent. 

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