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All integrations require development. Once we have defined the project scope in the Requirements phase we are ready to get started with any development that is needed.
Here is how we like to proceed.

  1. Let Protel know you’re ready to get started.

    1. We will provision a test hotel for you within our test environment. This typically takes 1-2 weeks. 

    2. Protel will provide contact details for a Protel Integration Manager to assist with any technical questions.

  2. A joint discussion to agree on

    1. The scope of the project

    2. What messages can and cannot be supported

    3. Granular discussions regarding the message contents

    4. Security message transport

  3. We will define a delivery schedule to set expectations with you and your proposed pilot property(s).

  4. We will proceed in developing an integration using the following order:

    1. PMS

      1. Oubound from Protel first, base integration (Reservations, blocks, allotments, inventory, profiles, stay history, other as may be decided).

      2. Outbound from Protel secondary, base integration (Rates, Restrictions, other).

      3. Advanced Integration (we’ll decide case by case if and when we will build support for the additional data flows).

    2. Integration Partner

      1. Inbound to Protel (ReadRQ, Rates, Restrictions, Configuration, Profiles, Reservations, other)
