Affected Message | Direction from protel | PMS | Path | Example | Summary | Internal reference | Version |
| |
HTNG_ChargePostingRS | outbound | onPrem pAir | HTNG_ChargePostingRS | Errors | Error |
Codeblock |
| <Errors>
<Error Code="188" Type="1" ShortText="Transaction error - please report. Incomplete Posting flow. Please check the guest folio before a retry."/>
</Errors> |
| If no RS is generated by the PMS service within ~55 seconds, then:
- the ESB will not do retries itself
- the ESB will generate a generic RS to inform the sender of the RQ about the failure.
! The RQ should not be automatically retried - the posting itself could have happened, yet for some reason - no RS could have been generated by the PMS service (e.g. fiscalization error). | IO-7390 | ESB 323 |
OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | In/Outbound | onPrem | ProfileModify | Customer | TPA_Extensions | ProfileInfoExtensions | PersonInfos | Registration |
Codeblock |
| <px:Registration BirthCountry="IT" BirthPlace="CALVIGNASCO" LicensePlate="35347444" /> |
| Implmented guest BirthCountry & BirthPlace in profile messages, both inbound and outbound. | PWS-3571 | 3.14.X |
OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | In/Outbound | onPrem | ProfileModify | Customer | TPA_Extensions | ProfileInfoExtensions | AccountingInfos |
Codeblock |
| <px:TPA_Extensions xmlns:px="">
<px:AccountingInfos ARNumber="223344" Tax1="222222" Tax2="333333" />
</px:TPA_Extensions> |
| Implemented Tax1 and Tax2 attributes in the profile messages. | PWS-3590 | 3.14.X |
IO_SystemDataRS | Outbound | onPrem | IO_SystemDataRS | Reservations | DefaultValues |
Codeblock |
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:htnga="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Source xmlns="" Module="protel.WebServices" ModuleVersion="" Product="protel On Premise SPE" ProductVersion="23.01000" Service="io.protel.onpremise"/>
<ns2:IO_SystemDataRS xmlns:ns2="" CorrelationID="CorrelationID123" TimeStamp="2023-05-11T07:25:25.4624218Z" Version="3.000">
<ns2:UniqueID ID="3152" ID_Context="protelIO" Type="10"/>
<ns2:SystemData ChainCode="HC1" HotelCode="3152" HotelID="1" HotelName="Hotel Lamm">
<ns2:UniqueID ID="3152" ID_Context="protelIO" Type="10"/>
<ns2:DefaultValues ArrivalTime="14:00" DepartureTime="10:00"/>
</env:Envelope> |
| The default arrival / departure time which is set by hotel can be displayed in the reservation section of IO_SystemDataRS | PWS-3573 | 3.14.X |
HTNG_HotelCheckOutNotifRQ | Inbound | onPrem | HTNG_HotelCheckOutNotifRQ | RetransmissionIndicator |
Codeblock |
| <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<soapenv:Header xmlns:soapenv="">
<soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="">
<HTNG_HotelCheckOutNotifRQ xmlns="" EchoToken="PWS_3542_13" CorrelationID="PWS_3542_13" RetransmissionIndicator="true">
<Source xmlns="">
<RequestorID ID="3153" Type="10" ID_Context="protelIO"/>
<BookingChannel Type="4" Primary="true"/>
<PropertyInfo ChainCode="n/a" HotelCode="3153" HotelCodeContext="protelIO" HotelName="protel"/>
<UniqueID ID="342692" ID_Context="protelIO" Type="14"/>
<HotelReservation xmlns="" CreateDateTime="2020-08-14T15:59:15Z" CreatorID="ame1" ResStatus="Checked Out">
<UniqueID ID="342692" Type="14" ID_Context="protelIO"/>
</env:Envelope> |
| Implemented the RetransmissionIndicator. When true, indicates the message is being re-sent. The RS message will hold all invoices attached to the reservation for the CO guest. | PWS-3542 | 3.14.X |
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | Inbound | onPrem | OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | Services | Service |
Codeblock |
| <Services>
<Service ID="RemoveAll" ID_Context="protelIO" Type="16"/>
</Services> |
| For Transaction Action "Modify": If Service/@ID="RemoveAll" is provided, then any bookable package/s that are attached to the reservation will be removed from it. | PWS-3556 | 3.14.X |
IO_ResModifyNotifRQ | inbound | onPrem | IO_ResModifyNotifRQ | Reservations | Reservation | ProfileReferences | ProfileReference |
| Use Case 11 (Change attached guest profile): only the main reservation profile can be exchanged, no profiles on the list of attached guest profiles! Use Case 11b (Add attached guest profile): an unlimited number of profiles can be attached to the list of attached guest profiles. | PWS-3489 | 3.13.3 |
OTA_HotelAvailRS | outbound | onPrem | OTA_HotelAvailRS | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | Rates | Rates | TPA_Extensions | px:FixedChargesAmountsExtensions |
Codeblock |
| <Rate RateTimeUnit="Day" EffectiveDate="2019-02-01" ExpireDate="2019-02-03" UnitMultiplier="2">
<Base AmountAfterTax="117.00" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="234.00" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
xmlns:px="" End="2019-02-03" Start="2019-02-01">
<px:RateAmount AmountAfterTax="10.00" RevenueCategoryCode="17" CurrencyCode="EUR" />
</Rate> |
| New element TPA_Extensions will be added IF the respective rate has an exclusive fixed charge package. The value of the FixedChargesAmountsExtensions | RateAmount | AmountAfterTax is NOT included in the Base/Total amounts and should NOT be used for OTA_HotelResNotifRQ to the PMS. This value has informative purpose to the walk-in guest - since the charge will be added automatically by the PMS logic during EOD. | PWS-3505 | 3.13.0 |
IO_ResModifyNotifRQ | inbound | onPrem | IO_ResModifyNotifRQ | Reservations | Reservation | ProfileReferences | ProfileReference UseCase 11: Change arriving guest |
Codeblock |
| <p:ProfileReferences>
<p:ProfileReference ID_Context="protelIO" Type="Customer" ID="36975" Action="DELETE"/>
<p:ProfileReference ID_Context="protelIO" Type="Customer" ID="36888" Action="CREATE"/>
</p:ProfileReferences> |
| UseCase 11: Change arriving guest With this PWS version, only the arriving guest will be exchanged, all folio recipients remain as they are. | PWS-3463 | 3.13.0 |
IO_ResModifyNotifRQ | inbound | onPrem | IO_ResModifyNotifRQ | Reservations | Reservation | InvoiceReferences | InvoiceReference | ProfileReferences | ProfileReference UseCase 12: Change invoice recipient |
Codeblock |
| <p:InvoiceReferences>
<p:InvoiceReference Type="Invoice" ID="34161-0" ID_Context="protelIO">
<p:ProfileReference ID_Context="protelIO" Type="Customer" ID="36975" Action="DELETE" Role="InvoiceRecipient"/>
<p:ProfileReference ID_Context="protelIO" Type="Customer" ID="36842" Action="CREATE" Role="InvoiceRecipient"/>
</p:InvoiceReferences> |
| UseCase 12: Change invoice recipient With this PWS version, the invoice recipient for folios A to F can be exchanged. The arriving guest will not be touched. | PWS-3463 | 3.13.0 |
IO_RatePackageNotifRQ | Outbound | onPrem | IO_RatePackageNotifRQ | Packages | Package | PackageItems | PackageItem | Calculation | @FixedChargeInd |
Codeblock |
| <Calculation AmountAfterTax="10.00" AmountBeforeTax="8.06" Currency="EUR" InclusiveInd="false" FixedChargeInd="false" Recurrence="Daily" Relation="PerAdult">
<DaysOfWeek Fri="true" Mon="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" Thu="true" Tue="true" Wed="true"/>
</Calculation> |
| New attribute added to schema: @FixedChargeInd. The attribute is boolean and optional. If @FixedChargeInd="false" (or the attribute is missing) then the package is "not a fixed charge". Else if the @FixedChargeInd="true" then the package "is a fixed charge". This is extra cost to the accommodation amount - but unlike the "add to rate" packages, it should not be included in the inbound reservation total amount to the PMS. | PWS-3492 | 3.13.0 |
HTNG_ChargePostingRQ | Inbound | onPrem | HTNG_ChargePostingRQ | Posting | Transaction | RevenueDetails | RevenueDetail |
Codeblock |
| <RevenueDetails><RevenueDetail Description="Cash" PMSRevenueCode="1" CurrencyCode="AED" Amount="-10.00" SubTypeID="Deposit"><Account ID="342451" Type="14" ID_Context="protelIO"/></RevenueDetail></RevenueDetails> |
| The new value 'Deposit' can be applied to the SubTypeID attribute. In this case partial payments for the guests who depart on the current business date will be possible. | PWS-3509 | 3.13.0 |
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | Outbound | pAir | OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | TPA_Extensions | ReservationExtensions | Traces |
Codeblock |
| <TPA_Extensions>
<px:ReservationExtensions xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns5="">
<px:ReservationStatus Code="G" ID="5" ID_Context="protelIO" Name="Guaranteed" RPH="198382"/>
<px:ReservationCode Code="CONF" ID="319" ID_Context="protelIO" Language="en_US" Name="Conference" Type="TravelReason">Conference</px:ReservationCode>
<px:ReservationCode Code="Fax" ID="44" ID_Context="protelIO" Language="en_US" Name="Facsimile" Type="CommunicationChannel">Facsimile</px:ReservationCode>
<px:Trace TraceBegin="2021-03-17T16:00:00+02:00" TraceDepartment="ACC" TraceEnd="2021-03-17T16:00:00+02:00">Trace Template 333</px:Trace>
<px:Trace TraceBegin="2021-03-18T16:00:00+02:00" TraceDepartment="ACC" TraceEnd="2021-03-18T16:00:00+02:00">Trace Template 444</px:Trace>
<px:Trace TraceBegin="2021-03-19T16:00:00+02:00" TraceDepartment="ACC" TraceEnd="2021-03-19T16:00:00+02:00">Trace Template 222</px:Trace>
<px:Trace TraceBegin="2021-03-18T16:00:00+02:00" TraceDepartment="F&B" TraceEnd="2021-03-18T16:00:00+02:00">Trace Template 123</px:Trace>
<px:Trace TraceBegin="2021-03-19T16:00:00+02:00" TraceDepartment="F&B" TraceEnd="2021-03-19T16:00:00+02:00">Trace Template 123</px:Trace>
</TPA_Extensions> |
| Trace information will be added to the ReservationExtensions element of the reservation. | IPA-1224 | 23.22 |
OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | Outbound | pAir | ProfileModify | TPA_Extensions | ProfileInfoExtensions | Traces |
Codeblock |
| <px:TPA_Extensions xmlns:px="">
<px:Trace TraceBegin="2017-09-01T00:00:00" TraceDepartment="Direction">Test-Trace</px:Trace>
</px:TPA_Extensions> |
| Trace information will be added to the ProfileInfoExtensions of the guests. | IPA-1224 | 23.22 |
OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | In/Outbound | pAir | ProfileInfoExtensions | AccountingInfos |
Codeblock |
| <px:TPA_Extensions xmlns:px="">
<px:AccountingInfos ARNumber="223344" Tax1="222222" Tax2="333333" />
</px:TPA_Extensions> |
| We will implement two Tax1,2 attributes in the profile messages. | IPA-1220, IPA-1221 | 23.22 |
HTNG_ChargePostingRQ | Inbound | pAir | HTNG_ChargePostingRQ | Posting | Transaction | RevenueDetails | RevenueDetail @SubTypeID | no change in XML structure | For the HTNG_ChargePostingRQ in inbound messages deposit payments are now only processed in a KSV-compliant manner. If packages ("Batches") are transmitted as well, a corresponding warning is then issued that no packages can be processed. For payments to reservations in the future only the @SubTypeID "Deposit" can be used, we do not support @SubTypeID "Payment" for not checked in reservations. Attention: with the updated implementation no partial payments are accepted for the time being. Partial payments will be implemented again in one of the upcoming versions
| IPA-1201,IPA-1251 | 23.22/23.24 |
IO_SystemDataRS | Outbound | pAir | IO_SystemDataRS | Reservations | DefaultValues |
Codeblock |
| <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<soapenv:Header xmlns:soapenv="">
<htng:CorrelationID xmlns:htng="">CorrelationID123</htng:CorrelationID>
<soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns2:IO_SystemDataRS xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" CorrelationID="CorrelationID123" EchoToken="CorrelationID123" TimeStamp="2021-01-19T12:16:21Z" Version="1.000">
<ns2:SystemData ChainCode="n/a" HotelCode="2575" HotelID="2000043" HotelName="protel_IO_Testhotel_pAir_2000043">
<ns2:UniqueID ID="2575" ID_Context="protelIO" Type="10"/>
<ns2:DefaultValues ArrivalTime="14:00:00" DepartureTime="11:00:00" >
</env:Envelope> |
| The default arrival / departure time which is set by hotel can be displayed in the reservation section of IO_SystemDataRS | IPA-1231 | 23.22 |
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | Inbound | pAir | OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | Services | Service |
Codeblock |
| <Services>
<Service ID="RemoveAll" ID_Context="protelIO" Type="16"/>
</Services> |
| For Transaction Action "Modify": If Service/@ID="RemoveAll" is provided, then any bookable package/s that were attached to the reservation will be removed from it. | IPA-1197 | 23.14 |
HTNG_ChargePostingRQ | Inbound | pAir | HTNG_ChargePostingRQ | Posting | Transaction | RevenueDetails | RevenueDetail |
Codeblock |
| <RevenueDetails><RevenueDetail Description="Cash" PMSRevenueCode="1" CurrencyCode="AED" Amount="-10.00" SubTypeID="Deposit"><Account ID="342451" Type="14" ID_Context="protelIO"/></RevenueDetail></RevenueDetails> |
| We will add a new value 'Deposit' to the SubTypeID attribute. | IPA-1191 | 23.12 |
HTNG_HotelCheckOutNotifRQ | Inbound | pAir | HTNG_HotelCheckOutNotifRQ | RetransmissionIndicator |
Codeblock |
| <htng:HTNG_HotelCheckOutNotifRQ xmlns:htng="" xmlns="" xmlns:px="" CorrelationID="IOTEC_4058_05" EchoToken="IOTEC_4058_05" RetransmissionIndicator="true" Version="1" PrimaryLangID="de-DE" Timestamp="2020-07-06T14:41:54">
<Source TerminalID="Code2Order">
<RequestorID Type="10" ID="2787" ID_Context="protelIO"/>
<htng:Room RoomID="110"/>
<HotelReservation ResStatus="Checked out">
<UniqueID ID="198184" ID_Context="protelIO" Type="14"/>
</htng:HTNG_HotelCheckOutNotifRQ> |
| When true, indicates the message is being re-sent. This can be apply for the CO guest who need to reprint the invoice. | IPA-1196 | 23.12 |
OTA_HotelAvailRS | Outbound | pAir | OTA_HotelAvailRS | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | Rates | Rates | TPA_Extensions | px:FixedChargesAmountsExtensions |
Codeblock |
| <Rate RateTimeUnit="Day" EffectiveDate="2019-02-01" ExpireDate="2019-02-03" UnitMultiplier="2">
<Base AmountAfterTax="117.00" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
<Total AmountAfterTax="234.00" CurrencyCode="EUR"/>
xmlns:px="" End="2019-02-03" Start="2019-02-01">
<px:RateAmount AmountAfterTax="10.00" RevenueCategoryCode="17" CurrencyCode="EUR" />
</Rate> |
| New element TPA_Extensions will be added IF the respective rate has an exclusive fixed charge package. The value of the FixedChargesAmountsExtensions | RateAmount | AmountAfterTax is NOT included in the Base/Total amounts and should NOT be used for OTA_HotelResNotifRQ to the PMS. This value has informative purpose to the walk-in guest - since the charge will be added automatically by the PMS logic during EOD. | IPA-1183 | 23.10 |