HTNG_HotelRoomStatusUpdateNotifRQ | outbound / inbound | OnPrem |
| Message implemented for outbound and inbound processing. | PWS-3202 PWS-3246 | TBA |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | outbound / inbound | pAir | no schema change | | no change in the Schema. Export @LoyalLevel value with the string label the way it is defined by the user instead of the PMS SystemData ID
| IPA-1277 | TBA |
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ OTA_ProfileCreateRQ OTA_ProfileModifyRQ OTA_HotelStayInfoNotifRQ | outbound / inbound | pAir | OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | ProfileModify | Customer | Document |
Codeblock |
| <OTA_ProfileCreateRQ>
<Document DocIssueLocation="Dortmund_22" DocID="123456" DocType="4" EffectiveDate="2018-12-12" ExpireDate="2050-12-31" DocIssueAuthority="1234"/>
</OTA_ProfileCreateRQ> |
| To be legal in Austria, a new Attribute is added to the Document Element with the label "Issuing Authorities" | IPA-1369 | TBA |
IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ IO_InvoiceFiscalizeNotifRQ | outbound | pAir | IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ | Invoice | AdditionalText |
Codeblock |
| <p:AdditionalText>test 123 </p:AdditionalText> |
| Due to the legal requirements in Romania, we are extend the invoice element with a new element for the additional text for invoices. | IPA-1367 | TBA |
IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ IO_InvoiceFiscalizeNotifRQ | outbound | pAir | IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ | Invoice | InvoiceFormat |
Codeblock |
| <p:InvoiceFormat>ItemsSortDate</p:InvoiceFormat> |
| Due to the legal requirements in Romania, we are expanding the invoice element with a new element for the invoice format for invoices. | IPA-1365 | TBA |
IO_SystemDataRS | outbound | pAir | IO_SystemDataRS | SystemData | Accounting | InvoiceFormat |
Codeblock |
| <ns2:InvoiceFormats>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsSortDate" Type="lbl_sort_date"/>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsSortGuest" Type="lbl_sort_guest"/>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsSortRoom" Type="lbl_sort_room"/>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsSortCrs" Type="lbl_sort_crs"/>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsGroupCode" Type="lbl_group"/>
<ns2:Description Language="en_US">Single items, sort by date</ns2:Description>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsGroupDate" Type="lbl_group_date"/>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsGroupGuest" Type="lbl_group_guest"/>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsGroupRoom" Type="lbl_group_room"/>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsGroupCrs" Type="lbl_group_crs"/>
<ns2:Description Language="en_US">Single items, sort by guest</ns2:Description>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsSortRoom">
<ns2:Description Language="en_US">Single items, sort by room</ns2:Description>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsSortCrs">
<ns2:Description Language="en_US">Single items, sort by CRS number</ns2:Description>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsGroupCode">
<ns2:Description Language="en_US">Combine identical items</ns2:Description>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsGroupDate">
<ns2:Description Language="en_US">Combine identical items and dates</ns2:Description>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsGroupGuest">
<ns2:Description Language="en_US">Combine identical items and guest</ns2:Description>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsGroupRoom">
<ns2:Description Language="en_US">Combine identical items and rooms</ns2:Description>
<ns2:InvoiceFormat Code="ItemsGroupCrs">
<ns2:Description Language="en_US">Combine identical items and CRS number</ns2:Description>
</ns2:InvoiceFormats> |
| Due to the legal requirements in Romania, we are expanding the Accounting element with a new element for the invoice format for invoices. | IPA-1365 | TBA |
| outbound | OnPrem | OTA_HotelInvBlockNotifRQ | InvBlocks | InvBlock | RoomTypes | RoomType | RatePlans | RatePlan@TaxInclusive |
Codeblock |
| <RatePlan CurrencyCode="EUR" End="2100-01-01" MaxGuestApplicable="9999" RatePlanCode="StdRateExclTax" Start="1980-01-01" TaxInclusive="false"> |
| Flag is linked to the system setup for rate values. If the PWS is set to send "net values only", the attribute will be send with "false". If the system is set up to send "gross values only" OR "net and gross values", the attribute will be send with "true". | PWS-3729 | 3.17.0 |
OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | | | OTA_ProfileCreateRQ | Profile | Customer | Document
OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | ProfileModify | Customer | Document | | With OnPrem 23.060 it will be possible to store more than one travel document per profile so that the outbound profile messages may contain more than one document element. | | |
| | | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | Profiles | ProfileInfo | Profile | Customer | RelatedTraveler | TPA_Extensions | px:GuestStayExtensions | px:StayInfo |
Codeblock |
| <RelatedTraveler BirthDate="2006-03-05">
<UniqueID ID="181493" ID_Context="protelIO" Type="1"/>
<PersonName Language="de">
<Document DocID="987654321" DocType="5"/>
<px:StayInfo PrimaryInd="false" RelationToPrimary="Neffe / Nichte"/>
</RelatedTraveler> |
| The legal requirements in Spain stipulate that additional guests can be related to the main guest. The relationship to the main guest can soon be transferred by the additional attribute with. This is for example important for police reports. | | |
| | | OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | TPA_Extensions | px:Traces | | No change in XML, but traces from the past (before the current PMS business date) are no longer sent. | | |
| | | OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | ProfileModify | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | px:Occupation |
Codeblock |
| <TPA_Extensions xmlns:px="http://protel.io/htng/extensions">
<px:Code DefaultInd="false" DisplaySequence="0" ID="3" ID_Context="protelIO" Type="MARKETINGCODE">Wintergast</px:Code>
<px:Registration BirthCountry="DE" BirthPlace="Oberhausen">
<px:Language DefaultInd="true">en</px:Language>
<px:Salutation ID="1" ID_Context="protelIO" Type="Salutation">Sehr geehrte Frau Werner</px:Salutation>
</TPA_Extensions> |
| The attribute occupation was added. | | |
| | | IO_ResModifyNotifRQ | Reservations | Reservation | ProfileReferences | ProfileReference @RelationToPrimary |
Codeblock |
| <p:IO_ResModifyNotifRQ xmlns:p="http://protel.io/soap" CorrelationID="UseCase11b" TimeStamp="2018-12-29T15:20:35.985Z" Version="1.00">
<p:Reservations HotelCode="3152">
<p:Reservation ArrivalDate="2018-11-11">
<p:UniqueID ID="345474" Type="Reservation" ID_Context="Protel_IO"/>
<p:ProfileReference ID_Context="protelIO" Type="Customer" ID="181491" RelationToPrimary="Son" Action="CREATE"/>
</p:IO_ResModifyNotifRQ> |
| The legal requirements in Spain stipulate that additional guests can be related to the main guest. The relationship to the main guest can be transferred by the additional attribute for UseCase 11b only. The relation is for example important for police reports. | | |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ | | | OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | Profiles | ProfileInfo | Profile | Profile | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | | px:DocumentInfos | px:DocumentInfo
OTA_HotelStayInfoNotifRQ | StayInfos | StayInfo | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | Profiles | ProfileInfo | Profile | Profile | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | | px:DocumentInfos | px:DocumentInfo
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ | Profile | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | | px:DocumentInfos | px:DocumentInfo
OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | ProfileModify | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | px:DocumentInfos | px:DocumentInfo |
Codeblock |
| <Customer>
<Registration BirthDate="1980-01-06" BirthCountry="MA">
<DocumentInfo RPH="665554444" ID_Context="SNDS" ID="120-24440-GV0" Type="DocumentIdentifier"/>
</Customer> |
| Due to Spanish legal requirements (Police reports), we extend the TPA extensions in the Customer element with DocumentInfo for the support number of Spanish documents. | | |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ | | | OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | Profiles | ProfileInfo | Profile | Profile | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | | px:DocumentInfos | px:DocumentInfo
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ | Profile | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | | px:DocumentInfos | px:DocumentInfo
OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | ProfileModify | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | px:DocumentInfos | px:DocumentInfo |
Codeblock |
| <Customer>
<Registration BirthDate="1980-01-06" BirthCountry="MA">
<DocumentInfo RPH="665554444" ID_Context="SNDS" ID="120-24440-GV0" Type="DocumentIdentifier"/>
</Customer> |
| Due to Spanish legal requirements (Police reports), we extend the TPA extensions in the Customer element with DocumentInfo for the support number of a Spanish documents. | | |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ OTA_ProfileCreateRQ
| | | |
Codeblock |
| <Customer Gender="Male" BirthDate="2020-01-01" VIP_Indicator="true" Language="de" CustomerValue="ECA - 10%|0;VIP|2">
<CitizenCountryName DefaultInd="true" Code="DE"/>
<Document DocID="123456798" DocIssueLocation="" DocType="2" EffectiveDate="2020-01-01" ExpireDate="2030-01-01"/>
<Document DocID="963852" DocType="1" EffectiveDate="2021-10-10"/>
</Customer> |
| With OnPrem version 23.060 and higher it is possible to send more than one document per profile. | | |
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ OTA_ProfileCreateRQ OTA_ProfileCreateRQ | | | OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | Profiles | ProfileInfo | Profile | Profile | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | LicensePlate OTA_ProfileCreateRQ | Profile | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | LicensePlate
OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | ProfileModify | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:PersonInfos | px:Registration | LicensePlate
Codeblock |
| <px:ProfileInfoExtensions>
<px:Registration BirthCountry="DE" BirthPlace="Entenhausen">
<LicensePlate>ENT-DD 1</LicensePlate>
</px:ProfileInfoExtensions> |
| Corrected the xml to follow the schema. | | |
HTNG_ChargePostingRS | outbound | onPrem pAir | HTNG_ChargePostingRS | Errors | Error |
Codeblock |
| <Errors>
<Error Code="188" Type="1" ShortText="Transaction error - please report. Incomplete Posting flow. Please check the guest folio before a retry."/>
</Errors> |
| If no RS is generated by the PMS service within ~55 seconds, then:
- the ESB will not do retries itself
- the ESB will generate a generic RS to inform the sender of the RQ about the failure.
! The RQ should not be automatically retried - the posting itself could have happened, yet for some reason - no RS could have been generated by the PMS service (e.g. fiscalization error). | IO-7390 | ESB 323 |
| |
OTA_HotelResNotifRQOTA_HotelStayInfoNotifRQOTA_ResRetrieveRSHTNG_HotelCheckInNotifRQHTNG_HotelCheckOutNotifRQ | outbound | pAir | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | TPA_Extensions | px:GuestStayExtensions | px:StayInfo
@CheckedIn @CheckedOut |
Codeblock |
| <TPA_Extensions>
<px:StayInfo Arrival="2024-02-27T09:13:06+01:00" CheckedIn="2024-04-26T09:13:06+02:00" CheckedOut="2024-05-02T15:12:21+02:00" Departure="2024-02-28T15:12:21+01:00" PrimaryInd="true" Role="BookerAndArrivingGuest" Status="Checked out"/>
<px:TelephoneSetting ClassOfService="3"/>
</TPA_Extensions> |
| To be legal compliant for police reports we added new attributes in the StayInfo Element @CheckedIn = date and time for the logged checkin for the reservation @CheckedOut = date and time for the logged checkout for the reservation | IPA-1392 | 24.20 |
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | outbound / inbound | pAir | px:ReservationExtensions | px:ProcessingInstructions | px:ResGuests | @FullOverlay @Role
Codeblock |
language | xml |
title | Overlay profiles |
collapse | true |
| <px:ReservationExtensions>
<px:ResGuests FullOverlay="true" Role="LinkedProfile"/>
</px:ProcessingInstructions> |
| Extending the handling of list of profiles linked to a reservation: - If px:ProcessingInstructions | px:ResGuests | @FullOverlay="true", then the list of profiles provided in the inbound RQ msg will completely replace those existing in the PMS for the designated @Role. This allows to use intentional removal of existing profiles linked to a reservation.
- Else - if the new element is missing or the @FullOverlay="false" - the current existing logic remains - profiles are appended to the reservation.
! Caution - If the vendor does not have the intention to remove a profile from a reservation - then this element should not be sent inbound ! | IPA-1387 | 24.20 |
IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ IO_InvoiceFiscalizeNotifRQ | outbound | pAir | no schema change | | no change in the Schema. To be legal in Portugal, an IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ needs to be triggered as soon as an Proforma or Info Invoice is created. | IPA-1345 | 24.20 |
| |
IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ IO_InvoiceFiscalizeNotifRQ | outbound | pAir | IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ | Invoice |
Codeblock |
| <p:Invoice BusinessDate="2022-08-09" ExternallyFiscalized="false" FiscalCode="gg12cc" FiscalCodeID="2" FiscalCodeName="Test_AB" FiscalDate="2024-03-27T08:31:34+01:00" Fiscalized="true" InvoiceCode="RE_23" InvoiceDate="2024-03-27T08:31:34+01:00" InvoiceID="34" Open="false" PastEndOfDay="false" SystemFiscalCode1="AA" SystemFiscalCode2="bb" SystemFiscalCode3="cc" Type="Reservation" User="Julia W" UserTaxNo="" Void="false"> |
| Due to legal requirements in Portugal, we are expanding the invoice element with the attributes from the fiscal code in the systemdata:
@SystemFiscalCode1 for ATCUD @SystemFiscalCode2 for NIF @SystemFiscalCode3 for SAFT
| IPA-1350 | 24.14 |
IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ IO_InvoiceFiscalizeNotifRQ | outbound | pAir | IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ | Invoice | InvoiceRecipient | AccountingInfos |
Codeblock |
| <p:InvoiceRecipient ProfileID="919" ProfileType="Corporation">
<p:LastName>Agenzia delle Entrate</p:LastName>
<p:AccountingInfos CompanyRegNumber="987654321" FiscalUID="1234567890" PublicAdministrationInd="false" SplitPaymentInd="false" Tax1="06363391001" Tax2="06363391001"/>
</p:InvoiceRecipient> |
| We extend the AccountingInfos with the attributes @FiscalUID @CompanyRegNumber | IPA-1380 | 24.14 |
IO_InvoiceFiscalizeNotifRQ IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ | outbound | pAir | IO_InvoiceFiscalizeRQ | Invoice | InvoiceRecipient | AccountingInfos | Codeblock |
| <p:InvoiceRecipient ProfileID="1234" ProfileType="Customer">
<p:AccountingInfos PublicAdministrationInd="true" SplitPaymentInd="true"/>
</p:InvoiceRecipient> |
| Due to legal requirements in Italy, we extend the AccountingInfos with the attributes @PublicAdministrationInd @SplitPaymentInd | IPA-1363 | 24.14 |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | outbound inbound | pAir | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:AccountingInfos | Codeblock |
| <px:ProfileInfoExtensions>
<px:AccountingInfos CompanyRegNumber="98711654321" FiscalUID="1525234567890"/>
</px:ProfileInfoExtensions> |
| We extend the AccountingInfos with the attributes @FiscalUID @CompanyRegNumber | IPA-1377 IPA-1378 | 24.14 |
OTA_HotelResNotif | outbound inbound
| pAir | OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | Profiles | ProfileInfo | Profile | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:AccountingInfos | Codeblock |
| <px:ProfileInfoExtensions>
<px:AccountingInfos CompanyRegNumber="98711654321" FiscalUID="1525234567890"/>
</px:ProfileInfoExtensions> |
| We extend the AccountingInfos with the attributes @FiscalUID @CompanyRegNumber | IPA-1377 IPA-1378 | 24.14 |
OTA_HotelStayInfoNotifRQ | outbound | pAir | OTA_HotelStayInfoNotifRQ | StayInfos | StayInfo | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | Profiles | ProfileInfo | Profile| Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:AccountingInfos |
Codeblock |
| <px:ProfileInfoExtensions>
<px:AccountingInfos CompanyRegNumber="98711654321" FiscalUID="1525234567890"/>
</px:ProfileInfoExtensions> |
| We extend the AccountingInfos with the attributes @FiscalUID @CompanyRegNumber | IPA-1377 | 24.14 |
| |
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | outbound / inbound | pAir | OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | TPA_Extensions | px:GuestStayExtensions | px:StayInfo | Codeblock |
| <TPA_Extensions>
<px:StayInfo Arrival="2024-02-07T12:00:00+01:00" Departure="2024-02-08T12:00:00+01:00" PrimaryInd="true" Role="LinkedProfile" Status="Reserved"/>
<px:TelephoneSetting ClassOfService="3"/>
</TPA_Extensions> |
| There is now a new function in the PMS so that the PrimaryInd= true attribute can be used to specify the profile of the leading company OR the travel agency within the same reservation.
| IPA-1357 IPA-1358 | 24.12 |
| outbound | pAir | IO_SystemDataRS | SystemData | Reservations | GuestRelationTypes | GuestRelationType |
Codeblock |
| <ns2:GuestRelationTypes>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Abuelo" ID="1" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Abuelo</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Abuela" ID="2" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Abuela</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Padre" ID="3" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Padre</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Madre" ID="4" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Madre</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Tio" ID="5" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Tio</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Tia" ID="6" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Tia</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Tutor Legal" ID="7" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Tutor Legal</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Hijo" ID="8" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Hijo</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Hija" ID="9" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Hija</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Nieto" ID="10" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Nieto</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Nieta" ID="11" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Nieta</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Sobrino" ID="12" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Sobrino</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Sobrina" ID="13" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Sobrina</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Primo" ID="14" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Primo</ns2:Name>
<ns2:GuestRelationType Code="Prima" ID="15" ID_Context="protelIO" PrimaryInd="false" Visible="true">
<ns2:Name Language="es_ES">Prima</ns2:Name>
</ns2:GuestRelationTypes> |
| Due to legal requirements in Spain, we are expanding the GuestRelationTypes element with the attributes from the relationship types. | IPA-1353 | 24.08 |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ OTA_ProfileModifyRQ | outbound inbound | pAir | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:AccountingInfos |
Codeblock |
| <Customer>
<px:AccountingInfos PublicAdministrationInd="true" SplitPaymentInd="true"/>
</Customer> |
| Due to legal requirements in Italy, we extend the AccountingInfos with the attributes @PublicAdministrationInd @SplitPaymentInd
| IPA-1346 IPA-1339 | 24.02 |
OTA_HotelResNotif | outbound inbound
| pAir | OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | Profiles | ProfileInfo | Profile | Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:AccountingInfos |
Codeblock |
| <Customer>
<px:AccountingInfos PublicAdministrationInd="true" SplitPaymentInd="true"/>
</Customer> |
| Due to legal requirements in Italy, we extend the AccountingInfos with the attributes @PublicAdministrationInd @SplitPaymentInd
| IPA-1346 IPA-1339 | 24.02 |
OTA_HotelStayInfoNotifRQ | outbound | pAir | OTA_HotelStayInfoNotifRQ | StayInfos | StayInfo | HotelReservation | ResGuests | ResGuest | Profiles | ProfileInfo | Profile| Customer | TPA_Extensions | px:ProfileInfoExtensions | px:AccountingInfos |
Codeblock |
| <Customer>
<px:AccountingInfos PublicAdministrationInd="true" SplitPaymentInd="true"/>
</Customer> |
| Due to legal requirements in Italy, we extend the AccountingInfos with the attributes @PublicAdministrationInd @SplitPaymentInd
| IPA-1339 | 24.02 |
OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ | outbound inbound | pAir | OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ | @MessageContentCode | no changes in xml - new values for MessageContentCode | We use the value 4 for the restrictions on rate group level. | IPA-1334 | 24.02 |
OTA_ResRetrieveRS | outbound | pAir | OTA_ResRetrieveRS | ReservationsList | HotelReservation | TPA_Extensions | px:ReservationGroupExtensions| px:GroupInfo| @GroupName @GroupID @PrimaryInd
ResGuests | ResGuest | TPA_Extensions | px:ReservationGroupExtensions | px:GroupInfo| @GroupName @GroupID @PrimaryInd
Codeblock |
| <TPA_Extensions>
<px:ReservationGroupExtensions >
<px:GroupInfo GroupName="Viaggi in Stile SpA -2022-01-17" GroupID="113" PrimaryInd="true" />
</px:ReservationGroupExtensions >
</TPA_Extensions> |
| Due to Italian legal requirements (Police reports and Tourism Statistics), we're extending the schema to be able to export information about groups: group name, group ID and group leader. On reservation level, PrimaryInd="true" will be shown for the reservation containing the group leader profile, all other reservations of this group will be shown with PrimaryInd="false". On profile/resguest level, PrimaryInd="true" will be shown for the group leader profile, all other profiles of this group will be shown with PrimaryInd="false". | IPA-1040 | 24.02 |