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Format of the Acknowledgment (ASYNC communication)

To communicate with an ASYNC pattern, the receiver of the message needs to send an ACK with the HTTP status code 200 and the following payload back to the sender before the receiver starts the processing of the message. 

titleExample ACK
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<htnga:CorrelationID xmlns:htnga="">RES#045627#CREATE#000002#1575294717780#6244XXX</htnga:CorrelationID>
<htnga:RelatesToCorrelationID xmlns:htnga="">RES#045627#CREATE#000002#1575294717780#6244XXX</htnga:RelatesToCorrelationID>
<ns:HTNG_AcknowledgeReceipt xmlns:ns=""/>