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Kommentar: Added SOAP and refactored the page


protel uses protel I/O to route incoming and outbound data messages. Messages can be delivered to protel I/O from an HTTPS endpoint. protel I/O provides different endpoints for synchronous and asynchronous SOAP 1.2 messages to accommodate WSDL requirements.In addition, protel I/O requires some information in the message header.

Security, Access,


and Authentication

Security is important to you and protel. All messages must be authenticated using protel IO’s secure authentication processes. To ensure the source of messages are valid, all messages flowing to and from protel are checked. Messages are verified by protel I/O

  1. Who can send messages

  2. What messages they can send

  3. Where they can send to and receive from

Access to the API is only permitted through SSL (secure sockets layer). For HTNG messaging, all messages will utilize the HTNG 2.1 SOAP header.

Authentication of Inbound messages

Direction Vendor to protel. All messages require a protel provided Bearer Token (whether RQ or RS!). 

The Authentication token can must be submitted in HTTP headers and SOAP headers. If the token can be found in more than one of these places, the SOAP header has the higher priority than the HTTP header. The place with the highest priority that has the token set determines which is used and which is ignored. 

Protel will provide you with your bearer token at the time we commence testing. When requesting a test environment protel will provide you with a token at that time.

protel Access Token

For API access, each service connecting to a hotel will have it’s own access token.

titleBearer Token
Authorization: Bearer <HOTEL_TOKEN>

Authentication is specific in each case and requires partner applications to provide this access token with each API request message. This access token is provided by protel. protel authenticates this access token before allowing any actions to be taken


Format of Headers

You must send HTTP headers. There are 2 mandatory HTTP header parameters

Format of HTTP Headers

In order to process your incoming requests, all of your messages must contain headers inside the HTTP headers

HTTP HeaderDescriptionOccurrence
Content-TypeFixed to "application/soap+xml"Mandatory
SOAPActionThe type of messages you are sending e.g. "OTA_HotelResNotifRQ"Mandatory
AuthorizationThe access token e.g. "Bearer C6MmpEFjRRSy288V1-DEMO-hGETMBImNJhFzv5"Mandatory
CorrelationIDThe CorrelationID of the message you are sending to identify the transactionOptional

titleHeader Format
Content-Type: application/soap+xml
SOAPAction: OTA_HotelResNotifRQ
Authorization: Bearer C6MmpEFjRRSy288V1-DEMO-hGETMBImNJhFzv5

The Authorization (Bearer) token is generated for your service when installed and sent to you using a secure method. It can be either in the HTTP header or in the SOAP Header

 Authorization is not mandatory in the HTTP header. However it is preferred. It should be like this in the HTTP header

titleBearer token
Authorization: Bearer C6MmpEFjRRSy288V1hGETMBImNJhFzv5

Or it can be in the SOAP header, like this


titleToken In the SOAP header


Format of SOAP Environment

In order to process your incoming requests, all of your messages must contain headers inside the SOAP environment


We do not support the Action parameter in the HTTP header but we rely upon the official message name OTA/HTNG*RQ/RS sent in the HTTP Header as the SOAPAction parmeter.

SOAPAction: <MethodName>

You should send a Correlation ID in the HTTP header

titleCorrelation ID
CorrelationID: <ID_for_the_message_exchange>

We use the HTTP Headers as a location for these parameters, to keep it easy and have the important information at hand before even reading the xml document.


There is no mandatory SOAPHeader for ASYNC communication - if you dont provide a CorrelationID - then protel I/O will generate it for you.

If header information is sent using the SOAP header, the elements have to use the XML namespace


titleXML Namespace


Envelope / Header the SOAP headers of the messageMandatory
Envelope / Header / Action


The required action (Message name) e.g. "OTA_HotelResNotifRQ"Optional
Envelope / Header / CorrelationID CorrelationID of the message you are sending to identify the transaction (protel namespace)Mandatory
Envelope / Header / Source Source of the message (Only outbound from protel to vendor)Optional
Envelope / Header / CorrelationID CorrelationID of the message you are sending to identify the transaction (HTNG namespace)Mandatory
Envelope / Header / Target


The desired target service name of the message - ONLY for SYNC messagesOptional
Envelope / Body HTNG/OTA/IO messageMandatory

There is only 1 mandatory SOAPHeader for SYNC communication. Protel prefers to not use sync message patterns, due to scalability concerns. 



titleMandatory HTTP Header parameters
HTTP Header: Accept: application/soap+xml, text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
HTTP Header: Content-Type: application/soap+xml
HTTP Header: SOAPAction: OTA_HotelAvailNotifRS
HTTP Header: Authorization: Bearer C6MmpEFjRRSy288V1hGETMBImNJhFzv5

Optional SOAP headers

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env
titleOptional Soap Headers
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
    <soapenv	<env:Header>
        		<p:Action xmlns:p="">$1 OTA>OTA_HotelAvailNotifRS<HotelResNotifRQ</p:Action>
        		<p:TokenCorrelationID xmlns:p="">$2 C6MmpEFjRRSy288V1hGETMBImNJhFzv5<p:Token>
  1. Official message name sent as webservice (SOAPAction)
  2. Token generated for this service installation in for particular hotel/customer by protel

Username and Password are not used for incoming messages to protel. The protel supplied Bearer Token is used for authentication. The Callback URL of receiving system’s endpoint is known from the service installation 

Authentication for Outbound messages

  • Vendor Systems can receive messages using HTTP endpoints that are configured in protel’s Module manifests or they can receive them via Websockets

  • Messages must be sent via HTTPS

For messages outgoing to the vendor we send the official message name in the HTTP Header as  e.g. SOAPAction:<OTA_HotelResNotifRQ>


protel IO always sends out the CorrelationID, which identifies (uniqueID) the message pair (RQ/RS)

titleCorrelation ID
CorrelationID: <ID_for_the_message_pair>
		<p:Source xmlns:p="" Module="backline" ModuleVersion="2020-07-02T10:28:55 (PROD)" Product="protelAir" ProductVersion="2027.1.56845-RELEASE" Service="io.protel.air"/>
		<htnga:CorrelationID xmlns:htnga="">RES#047616#UPDATE#000025#1594029290242#546D</htnga:CorrelationID>
		<p:Target xmlns:p="">io.protel.air</p:Target>
		--OTA/IO/HTNG Message--

Example of SOAPHeader sent from protel I/O

Additionally protel IO sends out a SOAPHeader with Outbound messages

titleExample Soap Header
    <wsse:Security mustUnderstand="1">
            <wsse:Password Type="">$6</wsse:Password>

$1 - ID generated for this particular message

$2 - ID generated for this particular message exchange (at least for RQ, ACK and RS)

$3 - Official message name sent as webservice Action

$4 - URL of receiving system’s endpoint

$5 - Username if authentication is done using this schema

$6 - Password if authentication is done using this schema

$7 - URL of receiving system’s endpoint

Testing Connectivity with a Dummy API

To test the SOAP Function, systems can call,
which returns a static OTA_HTNG Body.

Websocket Support

To connect the websocket, the client has to authenticate itself using the correct hotel token.
Once authenticated the client will receive incoming RQ messages for the hotel the token was issued for.
The websocket client also receives incoming RS messages on the same websocket connection, it has used to sent a RQ message before.

protel I/O Connection Endpoints

Connecting to dev:test



Connecting to prod:test


not in use

Connecting to prod:prod




Format of the Acknowledgment (ASYNC communication)


titleExample ACK
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
		<htnga:CorrelationID xmlns:htnga="">RES#045627#CREATE#000002#1575294717780#6244XXX</htnga:CorrelationID>
		<htnga:RelatesToCorrelationID xmlns:htnga="">RES#045627#CREATE#000002#1575294717780#6244XXX</htnga:RelatesToCorrelationID>
		<ns:HTNG_AcknowledgeReceipt xmlns:ns=""/>



image2019-1-27_16-15-51.pngImage Added

protel I/O Connection Endpoints

Connecting to TEST

Connecting to PROD

ESBAsynchronous APISOAP 1.2

Default Endpoint

Synchronous APISOAP 1.2

Asynchronous API (CD-Proxy)SOAP 1.2 for all inbound OTA_HotelResNotifRQ messages

NAT Gateway IP Addresses

EnvironmentNAT Gateway - Out
ESB TEST34.249.236.99
ESB PROD34.248.234.12