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Working with protel as a Software Partner

Protel Software Partner Program enables hospitality technology solution providers the ability to build, QA and certify an integration with protel, ensuring a seamless deployment and a high quality customer experience across the hospitality ecosystem.
protel needs to ensure all of our software integrations meet our reliability and quality standards, we have the following program requirements. The introduction of protel I/O has significantly enhanced integration possibilities for our Software Partners. Protel has the following standard project requirements:



Contact Information

We each share named contacts, including stakeholders, who will work on the integration project. We jointly define an escalation process for issue resolution. Name, email, Mobile and escalation path


Delivery schedule

We develop a delivery timeline to help set reasonable expectations for prospects and customers.


Collaborative Development & Testing

We collaborate to build and test the integration. We are delivering a joint integration. We develop a joint test plan and execute end­to­end testing to ensure correctly functioning interoperability between systems.



Real time communication is critical to complete integrations is a timely manner. Software Partners are expected to allocate the appropriate resources and to communicate regularly via agreed messenger technology (Slack, Skype etc)


Backward Compatibility

Protel strives to ensure backwards compatibility. Where possible, existing API integrations should continue to work with all future versions. Protel will provide advance notice to any potentially impacted customers


Successful Implementation

We will work together to successfully complete each data flow. Protel carefully schedules integrations to ensure resources are available to work on Issues that arise during the pilot or later stages. These are then treated with high priority and addressed in a timely manner.



We author documentation covering limitations, features, specific configuration instructions, versions supported, any special circumstances or assumptions made in the integration.


Excellent Support

Protel want to ensure our mutual customers receive excellent support. We will work with our software partners to ensure that we have clearly defined and documented “who does what and when”. We will clearly define the customer support plan together to ensure there are no gaps and our demarcation points are clear.


Business Recovery

Protel will work with each software partner to identify situations where normal services can be disrupted. Then we will identify and jointly document the steps required to re-establish data communications and data integrity