Element | @Attribute




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OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission
0..1Commission associated with the rate plan. This can be a percentage or a flat amount.



@StatusTypeNMTOKEN1Indicates the status of the commission payment itself (e.g. no-show indicates that a different commission may be applied if the reservation is not fulfilled).
@PercentPercentage1The percent applied to the commissionable amount to determine the commission payable amount.
@BillToIDStringLength1to81Identifies who should be billed for the commission amount.
@FrequencyOTA_CodeType CHG1This is the frequency at which the commission is applied (e.g. per stay, daily). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Charge Type (CHG).(Haken)(Fehler)
@MaxCommissionUnitAppliesinteger0..1The maximum number of units for which the commission will be applied. This may be used in conjunction with the frequency attribute.
@CapAmountMoney0..1The highest monetary value may be paid for the commission.
@CurrencyCodeAlphaLength31An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code specifies a monetary unit.
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | UniqueID
0..1Identifies the recipient of the commission. An identifier is used to uniquely reference an object in a system (e.g. an airline reservation reference, customer profile reference, booking confirmation number, or a reference to a previous availability quote).
@URLOTA_CodeType UIT0..1A reference to the type of object defined by the UniqueID element. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unique ID Type (UIT).(Haken)(Fehler)
@TypeStringLength1to320..1Used to identify the source of the identifier (e.g., IATA, ABTA).
@ID_ContextStringLength1to320..1A unique identifying value is assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.
1A unique identifying value is assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | UniqueID | CompanyName
0..1Identifies the company that is associated with the UniqueID.Identifies a company by name.
@DivisionStringLength1to320..1The division name or ID with which the contact is associated.
@DepartmentStringLength1to320..1The department name or ID with which the contact is associated.
@CompanyShortNameStringLength1to320..1Used to provide the company common name.
@CodeStringLength1to160..1Identifies a company by the company code.
@CodeContextStringLength1to320..1Identifies the context of the identifying code, such as DUNS, IATA, or internal code, etc.
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | CommissionableAmount
0..1The amount on which commission is calculated.
@TaxInclusiveIndicatorboolean0..1When true, indicates that the commission is calculated using the rate including tax. When false, indicates that the commission is calculated using the net rate.
@AmountMoney1A monetary amount.
@CurrencyCodeAlphaLength31An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code specifies a monetary unit.
@DecimalPlacesinteger0..1The ISO 4217 standard "minor unit" for the number of decimal places for a particular currency.
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | PrepaidAmount
0..1The amount of commission paid to the agency prior to the service being rendered.
@AmountMoney1A monetary amount.
@CurrencyCodeAlphaLength31An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code specifies a monetary unit.
@DecimalPlacesinteger0..1The ISO 4217 standard "minor unit" for the number of decimal places for a particular currency.
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | FlatCommission
0..1A fixed commission amount.
@AmountMoney1A monetary amount.
@CurrencyCodeAlphaLength31An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code specifies a monetary unit.
@DecimalPlacesinteger0..1The ISO 4217 standard "minor unit" for the number of decimal places for a particular currency.
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | CommissionPayableAmount
0..1The amount of commission to be paid.
@AmountMoney1A monetary amount.
@CurrencyCodeAlphaLength31An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code specifies a monetary unit.
@DecimalPlacesinteger0..1The ISO 4217 standard "minor unit" for the number of decimal places for a particular currency.
OTA_HotelResNotifRQ | HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | Comment
0..1Text related to the commission.An indication of a new paragraph for a sub-section of a formatted text message.
@NameStringLength1to640..1In many cases the description repeats, this will allow you to define the information that is being sent, typically used when multiple occurrences of ParagraphType are being sent.
@ParagraphNumberinteger0..1The sequence number for the paragraph.
@Languagelanguage0..1Language identification.
@CreatorIDStringLength1to320..1ID of the creator. The creator could be a software system identifier or an identifier of an employee responsible for the creation.
@LastModifierIDStringLength1to320..1Identifies the last software system or person to modify a record.
@CreateDateTimedateTime0..1Date Time of the Creation
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