Versionen im Vergleich


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Envelope / Header the SOAP headers of the messageMandatory
Envelope / Header / Action required action (Message name) e.g. "OTA_HotelResNotifRQ"Optional
Envelope / Header / CorrelationID CorrelationID of the message you are sending to identify the transaction (protel namespace)Mandatory
Envelope / Header / Source Source of the message (Only outbound from protel to vendor)Optional
Envelope / Header / CorrelationID CorrelationID of the message you are sending to identify the transaction (HTNG namespace)Mandatory
Envelope / Header / Target

The desired target service name of the message

- ONLY for SYNC messages

For message/s to protel PMS the correct values are:

  • io.protel.air - for protel Cloud PMS
  • io.protel.onpremise - for protel onPremise PMS
  • io.protel.pms - for either of the two above. The value is an alias that is valid for either of the PMSes
Envelope / Body HTNG/OTA/IO messageMandatory
