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Element | AttributeNumDescription +  ContentComments outboundpAirOnPremComments inboundpAirOnPrem


1Must be sent for the message to have a meaning.
(Haken)(Haken)Must be sent for the message to have a meaning.(Haken)(Haken)



The user or the office that originated the reservation.

(Haken)(Haken)The user or the office that originated the reservation.





This is the date when the reservation was first made.

(Haken)(Haken)This is the date when the reservation was first made.





This indicates the last date and time when the reservation was modified. MANDATORY if the ResStatus is “Modify”.

(Haken)(Haken)This indicates the last date and time when the reservation was modified. MANDATORY if the ResStatus is “Modify”.





This indicates the last user who modified the reservation.

(Haken)(Haken)This indicates the last user who modified the reservation.





Indicates the current status of the reservation.

  • Reserved – definitive reservations (‚standard‘ status) and optional reservations (deductive)

  • Requested – optional reservations (non-deductive)

  • Waitlisted – reservations on waiting list (non-deductive)

  • Cancelled – cancelled reservations

  • No-show – no-show reservations

  • In-house – checked-in reservations

  • Checked out – checked-out reservation


Valid values:

  • Reserved – definitive reservations (‚standard‘ status) and optional reservations (deductive)

  • Requested – optional reservations (non-deductive)

  • Waitlisted – reservations on waiting list (non-deductive)

  • Cancelled – cancelled reservations

  • No-show – no-show reservations

  • In-house – checked-in reservations

  • Checked out – checked-out reservation



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | UniqueID


The unique ID depends on the system generating the booking; i.e., if the booking is generated by the PMS this field would contain the PMS confirmation number; if the system is a CRS, the CRS confirmation number.

(Haken)(Haken)The unique ID depends on the system generating the booking; i.e., if the booking is generated by the PMS this field would contain the PMS confirmation number; if the system is a CRS, the CRS confirmation number.(Haken)




Defines the type of Reservation ID (e.g. reservation number, cancellation number). Refer to OTA Code List Unique ID Type (UIT).

  • 14 - Reservation, ID of reservation
  • 27 - Associated shared reservation, ID of other reservation, the room is shared with (only OnPrem)


Describes the originator of the reservation.
The recommended value for this message is "14" (Reservation).





ID is the internal confirmation number.





Used to identify where the ID comes from.


Used to identify where the ID comes from.




HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays


A collection of RoomStay objects. Room stays associated with this reservation.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay


Only one instance of RoomStay is allowed.





This is the abbreviation of the market segment being sold and may be needed by the system for tracking purposes.

(Haken)(Haken)The MarketCode needs to be mapped in the DCS matching for it to be activated by the IDS(Haken)




Used to specify where the business came from; e.g., radio, newspaper ad, or it could be a referring property.

(Haken)(Haken)The SourceOfBusiness code needs to be mapped in the DCS matching for it to be activated by the IDS(Haken)




A promotion code indicating a specific marketing campaign. Not to be confused with the rate code.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomTypes


A collection of Room Types associated with a particular Room Stay.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomTypes | RoomType


Section could be repeated if there is a room move during the stay.





Indicates the room is a sleeping room when true. If false it is a pseudo room reservation. 

  • "true"
  • "false"





Internal room type ID in PMS system.





Abbreviated room type.





Room number when allocated.





The number of booked rooms.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans


The RatePlans element is not required but can be sent to give further details on the rates booked in this reservation.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan


The RatePlan to be booked. This can repeat if multiple rate codes are booked against the reservation





This is the code of the rate booked.





Internal ID of the rate code booked





The Effective date attribute indicates when the specific rate value is applied. This is required reference at those times when there is a rate change during the stay.





The Expire date indicates the day when the specific value of the rate is changed to another value.





The code that relates to the market being sold to (e.g., the corporate market, packages).





When true, the price for this rate plan can be viewed by the guest. When false, the guest must contact another entity to obtain price information.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans/ RatePlan | Guarantee


Guarantee provided with the reservation.





This is the attribute that indicates what guarantee is provided with the reservation.

  • "CC/ DC/Voucher"

Not supported:

  • "GuaranteeRequired"

  • "None"

  • "Profile"

  • "Deposit"

  • "PrePay"






This is the guarantee code. More specified than @GuaranteeType.
Example: "CC"




HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Guarantee | GuaranteeDescription


Optional. This can be used to pass the details of the guarantee if the guarantee used is not cc or deposit.





Used in conjunction with Text element below. The name could be used to indicate Voucher and the Text could be used to indicate the voucher number, for instance.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Guarantee | GuaranteeDescription | Text


Provides text and indicates whether it is formatted or not.
Example: "Credit Card."






Indicates the format of text used in the description (unformatted or HTML).
Example: "PlainText"




HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans/ RatePlan | CancelPenalties


A collection of cancellation penalty elements



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | CancelPenalties | CancelPenalty

Defines the hotel cancellation penalty. The CancelPenalty class defines the cancellation policy of the hotel.





This is the penalty code.
Example: "48HRS"




HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | CancelPenalties | CancelPenalty | PenaltyDescription


Optional. This can be used to pass additional cancellation policy details.





Policy Class used in conjunction with the Text element below.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | CancelPenalties | CancelPenalty | PenaltyDescription | Text


Provides text and indicates whether it is formatted or not.
Example: "Free cancellation 48hrs before arrival"





Indicates the format of text used in the description.
Example: "PlainText"




HotelReservations | HotelReservation |RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | RatePlanInclusions


Defines charges that are included in this rate plan.





Boolean value. Defines if the rate sent is tax inclusive or not.

  • "true" - AmountAfterTax
  • "false" - AmountBeforeTax
  • "true" - AmountAfterTax and AmountBeforeTax


protel On-Premise default = "False" (will send AmountBeforeTax values only). This can be changed.

protel Air default = "true" (will send AmountAfterTax values only)



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission0..1Commission associated with the RatePlan. This can be a percentage or a flat amount.
@StatusType1Indicates the status of the commission payment itself (e.g. no-show indicates that a different commission may be applied if the reservation is not fulfilled).
@Percent1The percent applied to the commissionable amount to determine the commission payable amount.
@BillToID1Identifies who should be billed for the commission amount.
@Frequency1This is the frequency at which the commission is applied (e.g. per stay, daily). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Charge Type (CHG).
  • "1"- Daily
  • "6"- Per event
  • "12"- Per stay
@MaxCommissionUnitApplies0..1Maximum number of units for which the commission will be applied. This may be used in conjunction with the frequency attribute.
@CapAmount0..1The highest monetary value that may be paid for the commission.
@CurrencyCode1An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code that specifies a monetary unit.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | UniqueID0..1Identifies the recipient of the commission.An identifier used to uniquely reference an object in a system (e.g. an airline reservation reference, customer profile reference, booking confirmation number, or a reference to a previous availability quote).
@URL0..1URL that identifies the location associated with the record identified by the UniqueID.
@Type0..1A reference to the type of object defined by the UniqueID element. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unique ID Type (UIT).
@ID_Context0..1Used to identify the source of the identifier (e.g., IATA, ABTA).
@ID0..1A unique identifying value assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | UniqueID | CompanyName0..1Identifies the company that is associated with the UniqueID.Identifies a company by name.
@Division0..1The division name or ID with which the contact is associated.
@Department0..1The department name or ID with which the contact is associated.
@CompanyShortName0..1Used to provide the company common name.
@TravelSector0..1The travel sector the company is associated with, such as air, car and hotel. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Travel Sector (TVS).
@Code0..1Identifies a company by the company code.
@CodeContext0..1Identifies the context of the identifying code, such as DUNS, IATA or internal code, etc.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | CommissionableAmount0..1The amount on which commission is calculated.
@TaxInclusiveIndicator1When true, indicates that the commission is calculated using the rate including tax. When false, indicates that the commission is calculated using the net rate.
@Amount1A monetary amount.
@CurrencyCode0..1An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code that specifies a monetary unit.
@DecimalPlaces0..1The ISO 4217 standard "minor unit" for the number of decimal places for a particular currency.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | PrepaidAmount0..1The amount of commission paid to the agency prior to the service being rendered.
@Amount0..1A monetary amount.
@CurrencyCode0..1An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code that specifies a monetary unit.
@DecimalPlaces0..1The ISO 4217 standard "minor unit" for the number of decimal places for a particular currency.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | FlatCommission0..1A fixed commission amount.
@Amount0..1A monetary amount.
@CurrencyCode0..1An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code that specifies a monetary unit.
@DecimalPlaces0..1The ISO 4217 standard "minor unit" for the number of decimal places for a particular currency.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | CommissionPayableAmount0..1The amount of commission to be paid.
@Amount0..1A monetary amount.
@CurrencyCode0..1An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code that specifies a monetary unit.
@DecimalPlaces0..1The ISO 4217 standard "minor unit" for the number of decimal places for a particular currency.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RatePlans | RatePlan | Commission | Comment0..1Text related to the commission.An indication of a new paragraph for a sub-section of a formatted text message.
@Name0..1In many cases the description repeats, this will allow you to define the information that is being sent, typically used when multiple occurrences of ParagraphType are being sent.
@ParagraphNumber0..1The sequence number for the paragraph.
@Language0..1Language identification.
@CreatorID0..1ID of creator. The creator could be a software system identifier or an identifier of an employee responsible for the creation.
@LastModifierID0..1Identifies the last software system or person to modify a record.

HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates


A collection of Room Rates associated with a particular Room Stay. Each Room Rate combination can have multiple rates. Example King room, Rack rate plan, Monday through Thursday, weekday amount, Friday and Saturday, weekend amount.

(Haken)(Haken)A collection of Room Rates associated with a particular Room Stay. Each Room Rate combination can have multiple rates. Example King room, Rack rate plan, Monday through Thursday, weekday amount, Friday and Saturday, weekend amount.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate


One instance of RoomRate per room/rate/period booked. If more than one Rate plan can be booked in one reservation the entire RoomRate element must be repeated for each Room/rate combination. In addition, all RoomRate elements MUST share the same RoomTypeCode.

(Haken)(Haken)One instance of RoomRate per room/rate/period booked. If more than one Rate plan can be booked in one reservation the entire RoomRate element must be repeated for each Room/rate combination. In addition, all RoomRate elements MUST share the same RoomTypeCode.





This is the abbreviation for the room type booked.

(Haken)(Haken)This is the abbreviation for the room type booked.





Room No. (if already allocated) for the mentioned period.

(Haken)(Haken)Room No. (if already allocated) for the mentioned period.





If the room booked is part of a block, the block ID is transferred in this field.

(Haken)(Haken)If the room booked is part of a block, the block ID is transferred in this field.





This is the number of rooms booked for the room type code listed in the RoomTypeCode attribute.

In the case of shared reservations, this value will always be "1".


This is the number of rooms booked for the room type code listed in the RoomTypeCode attribute.

In the case of shared reservations, this value will always be "1".





This is the rate booked for the room type code listed in the RoomTypeCode attribute.

(Haken)(Haken)This is the rate booked for the room type code listed in the RoomTypeCode attribute.





Internal ID of the rate code booked

(Haken)(Haken)Internal ID of the rate code booked





This is used to indicate the item booked and is primarily used to exchange information with GDSs.

This filed also can be used to display the initially booked room type in case of changing RoomType or reservation move.

(Haken)(Haken)This is used to indicate the item booked and is primarily used to exchange information with GDSs.





Indicates the starting date

yyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)Indicates the starting dateyyyy-mm-dd





Indicates the ending date.

yyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)Indicates the ending date.yyyy-mm-dd



@RatePlanCategory0..1Hotel systems often group multiple rate plans into a single category. This refers to that category that is specific to the hotel CRS/ PMS and should not be confused with a GDS rate category.
(Haken)(Haken)Hotel systems often group multiple rate plans into a single category. This refers to that category that is specific to the hotel CRS/ PMS and should not be confused with a GDS rate category.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | BookingRules | BookingRule 0..1Provides booking rule information for the room stay.

@AbsoluteCutoff1Defines the absolute deadline. Either this or the offset attributes may be used.



  • it is possible to set a Option Date, which is later then the Arrival Date  → we will display the Option Date as well
  • it is possible to set a Option Date, even if the Reservation Status is not optional → we will display the Option date as well for all Reservationsstatus

HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | Rates


Individual rate amount. This rate is valid for a range of number of occupants and an occupant type.

(Haken)(Haken)Individual rate amount. This rate is valid for a range of number of occupants and an occupant type.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | Rates | Rate


At least one instance of Rate per Rate plan. Multiple instances of the Rate element must be sent if rate changes apply to the booking.

(Haken)(Haken)At least one instance of Rate per Rate plan. Multiple instances of the Rate element must be sent if rate changes apply to the booking.





Rate Time unit is an Enumeration of time units upon which the rate amount is based (e.g., daily, weekly, single rate for full stay).

For protel only ‘Day’ is possible.


Rate Time unit is an Enumeration of time units upon which the rate amount is based (e.g., daily, weekly, single rate for full stay).

For protel only ‘Day’ is possible.





The Effective date attribute indicates the starting date of when the specific rate value is applied.

This is needed when during the stay there are some rate changes.


The Effective date attribute indicates the starting date of when the specific rate value is applied.

This is needed when during the stay there are some rate changes.






The Expire date indicates the day when the specific value of the rate is changed to another value.

yyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)The Expire date indicates the day when the specific value of the rate is changed to another value.yyyy-mm-dd





UnitMultiplier is the number of RateTimeUnits that the rate amount is based upon (e.g., the rate for one day in case of nightly rates). As protel is dealing with days as a unit it should display the number of nights. If it is set to zero the reservation will be a day-use room for the specific date.

(Haken)(Haken)UnitMultiplier is the number of RateTimeUnits that the rate amount is based upon (e.g., rate for one day in case of nightly rates). As protel is dealing with days as a unit it should display the number of nights. If it is set to zero the reservation will be a day-use room for the specific date.



@AlternateCurrencyInd0...1When true, indicates the amounts are provided in an alternate currency. When false, indicates the amounts are provided in the primary currency. This may be used to indicate that the currency provided is different from the requested or stored currency.
  • "true"
  • "false"
(Haken)(Haken)When true, indicates the amounts are provided in an alternate currency. When false, indicates the amounts are provided in the primary currency. This may be used to indicate that the currency provided is different from the requested or stored currency.
  • "true"
  • "false"

HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | Rates | Rate | Base


Information on the Base Rate.

(Haken)(Haken)Information on the Base Rate.





Currency code used ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked.

(Haken)(Haken)Currency code used ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked.





The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).





The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | Rates | Rate | Total


Information on the Total Amount for the certain period of time if it contains more than one night.

(Haken)(Haken)Information on the Total Amount for the certain period of time if it contains more than one night.




ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked.

(Haken)(Haken)ISO 4217 codes to indicate currency of the rate that is being booked.





The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).





The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | Rates | Rate | TPA_Extensions | px:RateAmountExtensions


Allows extensions to be added to the Open Travel Alliance specification per trading partner agreement.

(Haken)(Haken)Allows extensions to be added to the Open Travel Alliance specification per trading partner agreement.





Indicates the starting date

yyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)Indicates the starting dateyyyy-mm-dd





Indicates the ending date.

yyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)Indicates the ending date.yyyy-mm-dd



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | Rates | Rate | TPA_Extensions | px:RateAmountExtensions | RateAmount







The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).





The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).





Code value from OpenTravel Alliance Code List Revenue Category Code (RCC). 

  • 3 = F&B
  • 6 = Extra
  • 9 = Logis
  • 17 = Total

pAir only: 

  • 0 = Non-Revenue (net)
  • 120 = Non-Revenue (gross)
(Haken)(Haken)Code value from OpenTravel Alliance Code List Revenue Category Code (RCC). 
  • 3 = F&B
  • 6 = Extra
  • 9 = Logis
  • 17 = Total





Currency code used ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked

(Haken)(Haken)Currency code used ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | Rates | Rate | TPA_Extension | px:FixedChargesAmountsExtensions0..1

onPremise will only display these Elements for which are check-in or in the future. For check-out reservations onPremise will not display any amount in the Elemente.

In this Element only manual booked fixed Charges are displayed.





@AlternateCurrencyInd0..1When true, indicates the amounts are provided in an alternate currency. When false, indicates the amounts are provided in the primary currency. This may be used to indicate that the currency provided is different from the requested or stored currency.





When true, indicates the amounts are provided in an alternate currency. When false, indicates the amounts are provided in the primary currency. This may be used to indicate that the currency provided is different from the requested or stored currency.





@Start1Indicates the starting dateyyyy-mm-dd(Haken)


Indicates the starting date




@End1Indicates the ending dateyyyy-mm-dd(Haken)


Indicates the ending date




HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | Rates | Rate | TPA_Extensions | px:FixedChargesAmountsExtensions | px:RateAmount0..1





1The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).



The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).



@AmountBefore Tax

1The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).



The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).





Code value from OpenTravel Alliance Code List Revenue Category Code (RCC). 

  • 3 = F&B
  • 6 = Extra
  • 9 = Logis
  • 17 = Total

pAir Only: 

  • 0 = Non-Revenue (net)
  • 120 = Non-Revenue (gross)


Code value from OpenTravel Alliance Code List Revenue Category Code (RCC). 

3 = F&B

6 = Extra

9 = Logis

17 = Total




1Currency code used ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked



Currency code used ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | GuestCounts0..1Contains the guest counts of the booking.
(Haken)(Haken)Contains the guest counts of the booking.




Indicates that the guest count provided is on a per room basis.


Indicates that the guest count provided is on a per room basis.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | RoomRates | RoomRate | GuestCounts | GuestCount1..n

Contains the type and number of guests included in the reservation.

pAir only:
  1. If a AQC is part of the message pAir will evalute against the AQC
  2. If the AQC is missing pAir will evalute against the Age
  3. If both are missing, pAir treats GuestCounts as Adult

Contains the type and number of guests included in the reservation.



1A code representing a business rule that determines the charges for a guest based upon age range (e.g. Adult, Child, Senior, Child With Adult, Child Without Adult). This attribute allows for an increase in rate by occupant class. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Age Qualifying Code (AQC).
(Haken)(Haken)A code representing a business rule that determines the charges for a guest based upon age range (e.g. Adult, Child, Senior, Child With Adult, Child Without Adult). This attribute allows for an increase in rate by occupant class. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Age Qualifying Code (AQC).


1The count will include the number and will be repeated for each Type of guest.
(Haken)(Haken)The count will include the number and will be repeated for each Type of guest.
@Age0..1Defines the age of a guest.
(Haken)(Fehler)Defines the age of a guest.only for onPrem(Fehler)(Haken)
@AgeBucket0..1Defines the age range category or bucket a guest can be booked into. This is typically used in conjunction with the age qualifying code to further define the applicable age range.only for pAir outbound(Haken)(Fehler)Defines the age range category or bucket a guest can be booked into. This is typically used in conjunction with the age qualifying code to further define the applicable age range.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay /RoomRates | RoomRate | RoomRateDescription0..1The description or name of a room rate.The MarketCode and SourceCode which are used for the specific day will be displayed in the Element(Haken)(Haken)The description or name of a room rate.
@Name0..1In many cases the description repeats, this will allow you to define the information that is being sent, typically used when multiple occurrences of ParagraphType are being sent.
  • Name="MarketCode"
  • Name="SourceOfBusiness"


(Haken)In many cases the description repeats, this will allow you to define the information that is being sent, typically used when multiple occurrences of ParagraphType are being sent.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay /
RoomRates | RoomRate | RoomRateDescription | Text
0..1Provides text and indicates whether it is formatted or not.
(Haken)(Haken)Provides text and indicates whether it is formatted or not.
@TextFormat0..1Indicates the format of text used in the description e.g. unformatted or HTML.
(Haken)(Haken)Indicates the format of text used in the description e.g. unformatted or html.

HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | GuestCounts


Contains the guest counts of the booking.

(Haken)(Haken)Contains the guest counts of the booking.





Indicates that the guest count provided is on a per room basis.

  • "true"
  • "false"
(Haken)(Haken)Indicates that the guest count provided is on a per room basis.
  • "true"
  • "false"



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | GuestCounts | GuestCount


Contains the type and number of guests included in the reservation.

(Haken)(Haken)Contains the type and number of guests included in the reservation.





A code representing a business rule that determines the charges for a guest based upon age range (e.g. Adult, Child, Senior, Child With Adult, Child Without Adult). This attribute allows for an increase in rate by occupant class. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Age Qualifying Code (AQC).

AgeQualifyingCode = 10 (Adult)

Applicable  for onPrem:

Child 1 --> AgeQualifyingCode = 7 (Infant)
Child 2 --> AgeQualifyingCode = 8 (child)
Child 3 --> AgeQualifyingCode = 9 (teen)
Child 4 --> AgeQualifyingCode = 19 (Junior)

Applicable  for pAir:
AgeQualifyingCode = 7 (Infant)
AgeQualifyingCode = 8 (Child)
AgeQualifyingCode = 9 (Teenager)


A code representing a business rule that determines the charges for a guest based upon age range (e.g. Adult, Child, Senior, Child With Adult, Child Without Adult). This attribute allows for an increase in rate by occupant class. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Age Qualifying Code (AQC).

The  used codes  are:
AgeQualifyingCode = 10 (Adult)
AgeQualifyingCode = 7 (Infant)
AgeQualifyingCode = 8 (child)
AgeQualifyingCode = 9 (Teenager)





The count will include the number and will be repeated for each Type of guest.

onPrem: always the highest count of the roomstay element(Haken)(Haken)Count will include the number and will be repeated for each Type of guest.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | TimeSpan


These are the in and out dates of the booking.

(Haken)(Haken)These are the in and out dates of the booking.





Arrival date.

yyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)Arrival date and Arrival Time


the "Thh:mm" will be used for the Arrival Time





Departure date.

yyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)Departure date and Departure Time


the Thh:mm will be used for the Departure Time



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Guarantee0..5Guarantee provided with the reservation.
(Haken)(Fehler)Guarantee provided with the reservation.

This is the attribute that indicates what guarantee is provided with the reservation.

  • "CC/ DC/Voucher"

Not supported:

  • "GuaranteeRequired"

  • "None"

  • "Profile"

  • "Deposit"

  • "PrePay"


This is the attribute that indicates what guarantee is provided with the reservation. The enumerated values include:

  • "CC/ DC/Voucher"

Not supported:

  • "GuaranteeRequired"

  • "None"

  • "Profile"

  • "Deposit"

  • "PrePay"


This is the guarantee code. More specified than @GuaranteeType .

Example: "CC"(Haken)(Fehler)

This is the guarantee code. More specified than @GuaranteeType .

Example: "CC"(Haken)(Haken)
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Guarantee /GuaranteesAccepted0..1


HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Guarantee | GuaranteesAccepted | GuaranteeAccepted0..1Guarantee Detail.

HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Guarantee | GuaranteesAccepted | GuaranteeAccepted | PaymentCard0..1Specific payment card information.


Payment card type.

  • "1" Credit
  • "2" Debit
  • "3" Central bill

@CardCode1Issuer code."VISA"(Haken)(Haken)

@MaskedCardNumber1Credit card number embossed on the card.Secure information that supports PCI tokens, data masking and other encryption methods.

@CardNumber1Clear text credit card number which will be tokenized by protel."4448545446839463"(Haken)(Haken)

@EncryptionKey1Encryption-Key used by encryption methods.

@ExpireDate1Indicates the ending date.MMYY "0122"(Haken)(Haken)

HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Guarantee | GuaranteesAccepted | GuaranteeAccepted | PaymentCard | CardHolderName1Card holder name."Max Mustermann"(Haken)(Haken)

HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Guarantee | GuaranteeDescription0..1Optional. This can be used to pass the details of the guarantee if the guarantee used is not cc or deposit.
(Haken)(Fehler)Optional. This can be used to pass the details of the guarantee if the guarantee used is not cc or deposit.
@Name0..1Used in conjunction with Text element below. The Name could be used to indicate Voucher and the Text could be used to indicate the voucher number, for instance.
(Haken)(Fehler)Used in conjunction with Text element below. Name could be used to indicate Voucher and the Text could be used to indicate the voucher number, for instance.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Guarantee | GuaranteeDescription | Text0..5

Provides text and indicates whether it is formatted or not.

Example: "Credit Card."(Haken)(Fehler)

Provides text and indicates whether it is formatted or not.

Example: "Credit Card."(Haken)(Fehler)

Indicates the format of text used in the description (unformatted or HTML).

Example: "PlainText"(Haken)(Fehler)

Indicates the format of text used in the description (unformatted or html).

Example: "PlainText"(Haken)(Fehler)
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | CancelPenalties0..5A collection of cancellation penalty elements
(Haken)(Fehler)A collection of cancellation penalty elements
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | CancelPenalties | CancelPenalty
Defines the hotel cancellation penalty. The CancelPenalty class defines the cancellation policy of the hotel.
(Haken)(Fehler)Defines the hotel cancellation penalty. The CancelPenalty class defines the cancellation policy of of the hotel.

This is the penalty code.

Example: "48HRS"(Haken)(Fehler)

This is the penalty code.

Example: "48HRS"(Haken)(Fehler)
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | CancelPenalties | CancelPenalty | PenaltyDescription0..1Optional. This can be used to pass additional cancellation policy details.
(Haken)(Fehler)Optional. This can be used to pass additional cancellation policy details.
@Name0..1Policy Class used in conjunction with the Text element below.
(Haken)(Fehler)Policy Class used in conjunction with Text element below.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | CancelPenalties | CancelPenalty | PenaltyDescription | Text0..1Provides text and indicates whether it is formatted or not.Example: "Free cancellation 48hrs before arrival"(Haken)(Fehler)Provides text and indicates whether it is formatted or not.Example: "Free cancellation 48hrs before arrival"(Haken)(Fehler)

Indicates the format of text used in the description.

Example: "PlainText"(Haken)(Fehler)

Indicates the format of text used in the description.

Example: "PlainText"(Haken)(Fehler)

HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Total


This is the total amount for the stay.

(Haken)(Haken)This is the total amount for the stay.





ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked.

(Haken)(Haken)ISO 4217 codes to indicate currency of the rate that is being booked.





The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).





The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | BasicPropertyInfo1Property Information for the Room Stay.
(Haken)(Haken)Property Information for the Room Stay.
@HotelName0..1Full name of the property which the transferred reservation belongs to.
(Haken)(Haken)Full name of the property which the transferred reservation belongs to.
@HotelCode1This is the Hotel Cloud ID for which the reservations are being transferred.
(Haken)(Haken)This is the Hotel Cloud ID for which the reservations are being transferred.
@ChainCode0..1Chain name indicates the chain to which the property belongs.
(Haken)(Haken)Chain name indicates the chain to which the property belongs.
@HotelCodeContext0..1A text field used to communicate the context of (or source of - ex Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Amadeus) the HotelReferenceGroup codes."protelIO"(Haken)(Haken)A text field used to communicate the context of (or source of - ex Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Amadeus) the HotelReferenceGroup codes.

HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | TPA_Extension | px:RateAmountExtensions


Allows extensions to be added to the Open Travel Alliance specification per trading partner agreement.
(Haken)(Haken)Allows extensions to be added to the Open Travel Alliance specification per trading partner agreement.





Indicates the starting date

yyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)Indicates the starting dateyyyy-mm-dd





Indicates the ending date.

yyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)Indicates the ending date.yyyy-mm-dd



@AlternateCurrencyInd0..1When true, indicates the amounts are provided in an alternate currency. When false, indicates the amounts are provided in the primary currency. This may be used to indicate that the currency provided is different from the requested or stored currency.



(Haken)(Haken)When true, indicates the amounts are provided in an alternate currency. When false, indicates the amounts are provided in the primary currency. This may be used to indicate that the currency provided is different from the requested or stored currency.




HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | TPA_Extensions | px:RateAmountExtensions | px:RateAmount


In this Element display everything which is booked for a Rate Code, except from manual booked fixed charges.(Haken)(Haken)





The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).



@AmountBefore Tax


The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).





Code value from OpenTravel Alliance Code List Revenue Category Code (RCC). 

  • 3 = F&B
  • 6 = Extra
  • 9 = Logis
  • 17 = Total

pAir Only: 

  • 0 = Non-Revenue (net)
  • 120 = Non-Revenue (gross)
(Haken)(Haken)Code value from OpenTravel Alliance Code List Revenue Category Code (RCC). 

3 = F&B

6 = Extra

9 = Logis

17 = Total





Currency code used ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked

(Haken)(Haken)Currency code used ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | TPA_Extension | px:FixedChargesAmountsExtensions0..1

onPremise will only display these Elements for which are check-in or in the future. For check-out reservations onPremise will not display any amount in the Elemente.

In this Element only manual booked fixed Charges are displayed.


@AlternateCurrencyInd0..1When true, indicates the amounts are provided in an alternate currency. When false, indicates the amounts are provided in the primary currency. This may be used to indicate that the currency provided is different from the requested or stored currency.



(Haken)(Haken)When true, indicates the amounts are provided in an alternate currency. When false, indicates the amounts are provided in the primary currency. This may be used to indicate that the currency provided is different from the requested or stored currency.




@Start1Indicates the starting dateyyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)Indicates the starting date


@End1Indicates the ending dateyyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)Indicates the ending date


HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | TPA_Extensions | px:FixedChargesAmountsExtensions | px:RateAmount0..1


1The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount including all associated taxes (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

@AmountBefore Tax

1The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).

(Haken)(Haken)The total amount not including any associated tax (e.g., sales tax, VAT, GST or any associated tax).



Code value from OpenTravel Alliance Code List Revenue Category Code (RCC). 

  • 3 = F&B
  • 6 = Extra
  • 9 = Logis
  • 17 = Total

pAir Only: 

  • 0 = Non-Revenue (net)
  • 120 = Non-Revenue (gross)

Code value from OpenTravel Alliance Code List Revenue Category Code (RCC). 

3 = F&B

6 = Extra

9 = Logis

17 = Total


1Currency code used ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked

(Haken)(Haken)Currency code used ISO 4217 codes to indicate the currency of the rate that is being booked

HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | ResGuestRPHs


A collection of unsigned integers serving as reference placeholders, and used as an index identifying which guests occupy this room

If the Profile is not longer existing in protel, we will display an empty ResGuestRPHs Element(Haken)(Haken)A collection of unsigned integers serving as reference placeholders, and used as an index identifying which guests occupy this room



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | ResGuestRPHs | ResGuestRPH


This is a reference placeholder, used as an index for this guest in this reservation. In the ResGuest object it is used like all other RPH attributes to send the delta of a reservation. It is used by the RoomStay and Service objects to indicate which guests are associated with that room stay or service.

If a profile for a reservation is no longer existing in the database "kunden", the RPH will be "-1" and the ResGuest Element won't be displayed anymore. We will send the message without ResGuest Element to the third-party systems.(Haken)(Haken)This is a reference placeholder, used as an index for this guest in this reservation. In the ResGuest object it is used like all other RPH attributes to send the delta of a reservation. It is used by the RoomStay and Service objects to indicate which guests are associated with that room stay or service.





Used to refer to the guest associated with this reservation.

If profiles for guest, travel agency and company are available in the message, they would all have a separate entry per profile type.


Used to refer to the guest associated with this reservation.

If profiles for guest, travel agency and company are available in the message, they would all have a separate entry per profile type.



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Comments | Comment


Comment details.

(Haken)(Haken)Comment details.





This indicates that the comment can actually be seen by the guest and is necessary when two different types of comments are passed: one that is guest viewable and one that isn’t. The Attribute is of Boolean nature.

(Haken)(Haken)This indicates that the comment can actually be seen by the guest and is necessary when two different types of comments are passed: one that is guest viewable and one that isn’t. The Attribute is of Boolean nature.

pAir: for the ResStatus="Commit" we will save the comment, for the ResStatus="Modify" not. 

We will only save the Comments for "Commit" otherwise it is possible that we will overwrite existing Comments made by the hotel

onPremise: it is configurable



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Comments | Comment | Text








HTML versus Plain Text.

Example: "PlainText"(Haken)(Haken)

HTML versus Plain Text.

Example: "PlainText"



HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | DepositPayments0..1A collection of deposit and/or payments for the Room Stay.
(Fehler)(Haken)A collection of deposit and/or payments for the Room Stay.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | DepositPayments | GuaranteePayment1Used to define the deposit policy, guarantees policy, and/or accepted forms of payment.
(Fehler)(Haken)Used to define the deposit policy, guarantees policy, and/or accepted forms of payment.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | DepositPayments | GuaranteePayment | AmountPercent0..1Payment expressed as a fixed amount, or a percentage of/or room nights.
(Fehler)(Haken)Payment expressed as a fixed amount, or a percentage of/or room nights.
@Amount0..1A monetary amount.
(Fehler)(Haken)A monetary amount.
@CurrencyCode0..1ISO 4217 codes to indicate currency of the rate that is being booked.
(Fehler)(Haken)ISO 4217 codes to indicate currency of the rate that is being booked.

Used to specify how the amount needs to be applied with respect to the stay

FirstNightDeposit =

"Amount to be applied as a deposit for the first night."

Used to specify how the amount needs to be applied with respect to the stay.

FirstNightDeposit =

"Amount to be applied as a deposit for the first night."
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | DepositPayments | GuaranteePayment | Deadline0..1Payment deadline, absolute or relative.
(Fehler)(Haken)Payment deadline, absolute or relative.
@AbsoluteDeadline0..1Payment deadline, absolute or relative. Protel will support only absolut dealines.yyyy-mm-dd(Fehler)(Haken)Payment deadline, absolute or relative.yyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Fehler)
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | DepositPayments | GuaranteePayment  | AcceptedPayments0..1Used to define the types of payments accepted.
(Fehler)(Haken)Used to define the types of payments accepted.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | DepositPayments | GuaranteePayment  | AcceptedPayments | AcceptedPayment1Used to define the types of payments accepted.
(Fehler)(Haken)Used to define the types of payments accepted.
@PaymentTransactionTypeCode0..1This is used to indicate either a charge, reserve (deposit) or refund.


(Fehler)(Haken)This is used to indicate either a charge, reserve (deposit) or refund.


HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | DepositPayments | GuaranteePayment | AcceptedPayments | AcceptedPayment | PaymentCard1Details of a debit or credit card.Specific payment card information.
(Fehler)(Haken)Details of a debit or credit card.Specific payment card information.
@CardType0..1Payment card type.
(Fehler)(Haken)Payment card type.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Memberships 0..1A collection of Membership objects. Memberships provides a list of reward programs which may be credited with points accrued from the guest's activity. Which memberships are to be applied to which part is determined by each object's SelectedMembershipRPHs collection.
(Fehler)(Haken)A collection of Membership objects. Memberships provides a list of reward programs which may be credited with points accrued from the guest's activity. Which memberships are to be applied to which part is determined by each object's SelectedMembershipRPHs collection.
HotelReservations | HotelReservation | RoomStays | RoomStay | Memberships | Membership1The SelectedMembership object identifies the frequent customer reward program and (optionally) indicates points awarded for stay activity.
(Fehler)(Haken)The SelectedMembership object identifies the frequent customer reward program and (optionally) indicates points awarded for stay activity.
@ProgramCode0..1The code or name of the membership program ('Hertz', 'AAdvantage', etc.).
(Fehler)(Haken)The code or name of the membership program ('Hertz', 'AAdvantage', etc.).
@AccountID0..1The account identification number for this particular member in this particular program.
(Fehler)(Haken)The account identification number for this particular member in this particular program.
@BonusCode0..1The code or name of the bonus program. BonusCode can be used to indicate the level of membership (Gold Club, Platinum member, etc.)
(Fehler)(Haken)The code or name of the bonus program. BonusCode can be used to indicate the level of membership (Gold Club, Platinum member, etc.)
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