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Target audience
AuthenticationBearer Token
Message typeAsynchronous, Outbound

Message Description

  • Lookup by Member ID w/ Currency for Points
  • Receive Membership Info w/ Points & Account Balance in Hotel Currency

IO_LoyaltyAccountInfoRQ - Attributes

Element | @AttributeNumDescriptionComments + Contents outboundpAirOnPrem


1Root element of the message.




A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.




Used to match result messages (*RS) to request messages (*RQ) in asynchronous communication patterns. Therefore mandatory.




Time of the transaction.




Message version.





The primary language preference for the message encoded as ISO 639-3.

IO_LoyaltyAccountInfoRQ | ReadRequests0..1

@HotelCode0..1Full name of the property which the transferred stay information belongs to.

The ID will transfer the HotelID and needs to be agreed by the trading partners and remain the same throughout the messages.

@HotelName0..1Full name of the property which the transferred stay information belongs to.

@ChainCode0..1Full name of the property which the transferred stay information belongs to.
ReadRequests | LoyaltyReadRequest1..n

@CurrencyCode0..1An ISO 4217 (3) alpha character code that specifies a monetary unit.
@MemberCode1The MemberCode attribute will indicate the actual number.


1The ProgramCode attribute can be used to indicate the program that is being passed. For instance, we could use it to pass: Frequent Guest, Frequent Traveller and Company ID.
@LevelCode0..1Indicates special privileges in program assigned to individual.
@AccountStatus0..1The account status. Refer to Open Travel Code List Profile Status (PST).
  • 4 = Active
  • 5 = Inactive
@PrimaryInd0..1When true, indicates this is the primary customer loyalty program and when false, indicates this is not the primary customer loyalty program.
  • true
  • false
ReadRequests | User1Information of the logged-in user
@UserName0..1Name of the User
@Organisation0..1Name of the Group the user belongs to
@Department0..1Name of the Department from the User
User | Email0..1This field would be used to pass the guest’s Email.
User | UserID0..1This field would be used to pass the guest’s UserID

IO_LoyaltyAccountInfoRS - Attributes

Element | @AttributeNumDescription outboundComments + Contents outboundpAirOnPrem


1Root element of the message.




A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.




Used to match result messages (*RS) to request messages (*RQ) in asynchronous communication patterns. Therefore mandatory.




Time of the transaction.




Message version.





The primary language preference for the message encoded as ISO 639-3.

IO_LoyaltyAccountInfoRS | Success0..1

IO_LoyaltyAccountInfoRS | Errors0..1Indicates an error occurred during the processing of an OpenTravel message. If the message successfully processes, but there are business errors, those errors should be passed in the warning element.
Errors | Error0..1

An error that occurred during the processing of a message.

@ShortText0..1An abbreviated version of the error in textual format.
@Code0..1If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings. Refer to the OTA Code List: Error Codes (ERR).
@Type0..1Mandatory. Refer to OTA Code List: Error Warning Type (EWT).
IO_LoyaltyAccountInfoRS | Warnings0..1Used in conjunction with the Success element to define one or more business errors.
Warnings Warning0..1Used when a message has been successfully processed to report any warnings or business errors that occurred.
@ShortText0..1An abbreviated version of the error in textual format.
@Code0..1If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings. Refer to the OTA Code List: Error Codes (ERR).
@Type0..1Mandatory. Refer to OTA Code List: Error Warning Type (EWT).
IO_LoyaltyAccountInfoRS | LoyaltyReadResults0..1

@HotelCode0..1Full name of the property which the transferred stay information belongs to.

The ID will transfer the HotelID and needs to be agreed by the trading partners and remain the same throughout the messages.

@HotelName0..1Full name of the property which the transferred stay information belongs to.
@ChainCode0..1Full name of the property which the transferred stay information belongs to.
LoyaltyReadResults | LoyaltyAccount1

@MemberCode1The MemberCode attribute will indicate the actual number.


1The ProgramCode attribute can be used to indicate the program that is being passed. For instance, we could use it to pass: Frequent Guest, Frequent Traveller and Company ID.
@LevelCode0..1Indicates special privileges in program assigned to individual.

@PrimaryInd0..1When true, indicates this is the primary customer loyalty program and when false, indicates this is not the primary customer loyalty program.
  • true
  • false
LoyaltyAccount | CardHolderName0..1Name of the Membership card
LoyaltyAccount | AccountBalance1Actual amount available, which can be used for redeeming the points


1Amount in Points
@Type1Shortname of the Loyalty Program
AccountBalance | CurrencyAmount0..1Amount in the default Currency


1Currency Code, from the RQ
CurrencyAmount | Amount1Amount in the Currency Code, from the RQ
LoyaltyAccount | AccountAccrued0..1Total amount, the collected points


1Amount in Points
@Type1Shortname of the Loyalty Program
AccountAccrued | CurrencyAmount0..1Amount in the default Currency


0..1Currency Code, from the RQ
CurrencyAmount | Amount1Amount in the Currency Code, from the RQ
LoyaltyAccount | AccountRedeemed0..1Total amount of points redeemed


1Amount in Points
@Type1Shortname of the Loyalty Program
AccountAccrued | CurrencyAmount0..1Amount in the default Currency


0..1Currency Code, from the RQ
CurrencyAmount | Amount1Amount in the Currency Code, from the RQ
LoyaltyAccount | UserCreated0..1Information of the logged-in user
@UserName0..1Name of the User
@Organisation0..1Name of the Group the user belongs to
@Department0..1Name of the Department from the User
UserCreated | Email0..1This field would be used to pass the guest’s Email.
UserCreated  | UserID0..1This field would be used to pass the guest’s UserID
LoyaltyAccount | UserModified0..1Information of the logged-in user
@UserName0..1Name of the User
@Organisation0..1Name of the Group the user belongs to
@Department0..1Name of the Department from the User
UserModified  | Email0..1This field would be used to pass the guest’s Email.
UserModified | Phone0..1This field would be used to pass the guest’s Phone
UserModified | UserID0..1This field would be used to pass the guest’s UserID

Sample Message


<p:IO_LoyaltyAccountInfoRQ xmlns:p="" CorrelationID="TRIGGER#000500#UPDATE#000420#1613999060824#E564" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2021-02-22T13:04:20Z" EchoToken="TRIGGER#000500#UPDATE#000420#1613999060824#E564" PrimaryLangID="en" Target="Test" TargetName="Test">
	<p:ReadRequests HotelCode="2535" HotelID="500" HotelName="DEV 2535" ChainCode="n/a">
		<p:LoyaltyReadRequest CurrencyCode="CZK" MemberCode="2345754635123" ProgramCode="Lounge Coders Club" LevelCode="HighRoller" AccountStatus="4" PrimaryInd="true">
		<p:User UserName="johnD" Organisation="Hotel 2535" Department="" Occupation="">


<p:IO_LoyaltyAccountInfoRS xmlns:p="" CorrelationID="TRIGGER#000500#UPDATE#000420#1613999060824#E564" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2021-02-22T13:07:02Z">
	<p:LoyaltyReadResults HotelCode="2535" HotelName="DEV 2535" ChainCode="n/a" ChainName="n/a">
		<p:LoyaltyAccount MemberCode="2345754635123" ProgramCode="Lounge Coders Club" LevelCode="HighRoller" AccountStatus="4" PrimaryInd="true">
			<p:CardHolderName>Oneoone K. Board</p:CardHolderName>
			<p:AccountBalance Amount="0" Type="L$C">
				<p:CurrencyAmount CurrencyCode="CZK" ExchangeRate="1">
			<p:AccountAccrued Amount="0" Type="L$C">
				<p:CurrencyAmount CurrencyCode="CZK" ExchangeRate="1">
			<p:AccountRedeemed Amount="0" Type="L$C">
				<p:CurrencyAmount CurrencyCode="CZK" ExchangeRate="1">
			<p:UserCreated UserName="johnD" Organisation="Hotel 2535" Department="" Occupation="">
			<p:UserModified UserName="johnD" Organisation="Hotel 2535" Department="" Occupation="">
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