Target audienceRMS, BI and other subscribers who want more comprehensive financial information of ancillary items
AuthenticationBearer Token
Message typeAsynchronous, Push

Message Description

protel I/O uses this request and response message pair to notify central reservation office (CRO), or management company system about guest stay information. The Statistic Notification Request is a report that may be generated at regular intervals (e.g. End of Day process) by the property management system (PMS). It provides an update of hotel statistics for analysis and may be sent unsolicited by the PMS to the receiving system. The scope of the message provided by the originating system--a minimum of once per day--will be composed of the following four report definitions. These reports are necessary to facilitate the initial build of the revenue management system as well as to support the subsequent daily processing. They are also necessary for the revenue management system to maintain its updated forecasts and decisions, and comprise of the following: 

  • Reservation and non-reservation related revenue for a specified number of days in the past.
  • Reservation and non-reservation related revenue for a specified number of days in the future.
  • Room Type occupancy (including pseudo rooms) for a specified number of days in the past.
  • Room Type occupancy (including pseudo rooms) for a specified number of days in the future.


  • POS | @FiscalDate is always the Current Business Date of the PMS.
  • Statistic | @FiscalDate is always the Date the last End Of Day process has been run for from the perspective of the report
  • ALL CurrentDaily Reports do contain the data excluding Statistic | @FiscalDate (from FiscalDate +1 on for by default for 30 days)
  • ALL PastDaily Reports do contain the data including Statistic | @FiscalDate (as a default 1 day (FiscalDate)


  1. The Publisher (the system that maintains the statistical data) constructs IO_StatsNotifRQ containing the statistical change(s).
  2. The Publisher successfully transmits message payload.
  3. The Subscriber (the system that requires statistical data) receives the message payload.
  4. The Subscriber processes IO_StatsNotifRQ.
  5. The Subscriber acknowledges with the IO_StatsNotifRS indicating processing status of the message.
  6. The Publisher may update their database to log what was last successfully processed by the Subscriber.

Message Attributes


Element | @Attribute



Description Comments + Contents outboundpAIROnPrem



Root element of the message





A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.




Used to match result messages (*RS) to request messages (*RQ) in asynchronous communication patterns. Therefore mandatory.





Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the format specified by ISO 8601 with time values using the 24-hour clock

(e.g., 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).






For all OpenTravel versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by a decimal value.





The default language of the property

ISO-639-1 (2-char code)


IO_StatsNotifRQ | POS | Source |



Reference to the sending system.



OTA_CodeType UIT


A reference to the type of object defined by the UniqueID element. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unique ID Type (UIT)





The ID will transfer the HotelID and needs to be agreed by the trading partners and remain the same throughout the messages.





Used to identify where the ID comes from.

IO_StatsNotifRQ | POS | Source | BookingChannel
0..1Specifies the booking channel type and whether it is the primary means of connectivity of the source.
@Primaryboolean0..1Indicates whether the enumerated booking channel is in the primary means of connectivity used by the source 



OTA_CodeType BCT


Indicates the type of booking channel per the Open Travel BCT codes. 

IO_StatsNotifRQ | POS | Source | TPA_Extensions
0..1A placeholder in the schema to allow for additional elements and attributes to be included per Trading Partner Agreement (TPA).
Allows extensions to be added to the OpenTravel specification per trading partner agreement.

IO_StatsNotifRQ | POS | Source | TPA_Extensions | px:POSExtensions
0..1Extensions about the transferred POS.
IO_StatsNotifRQ | POS | Source | TPA_Extensions | px:POSExtensions | px:HotelInfo
0..1Extensions about the transferred POS - specifying details about the hotel's system.
@FiscalDatedate1Current Business Date of the PMSyyyy-mm-dd(Haken)(Haken)
IO_StatsNotifRQ | Statistics | Statistic

If only sending one report then this element is present once. It is possible to send other reports in the

same message by sending this element several times.

@ChainCodeStringLength1to81Chain code for the hotel (only on premise). As it is not possible to define a Chain Code in protelAir, "n/a" will be sent.
@HotelNameStringLength1to1280..1Hotel code for the hotel. Code value to be agreed by trading partners.

This is the code of the property whose statistics are being updated.





A text field used to communicate the context  (or source of ) the hotel ReferenceGroup codes.

Default value is “protelIO”(Haken)(Haken)
@ReportCodeStringLength1to640..1Empty at this time.
  • Genius_CurrentDailyRoomTypeStatistics_v1
  • Genius_PastDailyRoomTypeStatistics_v1
@FiscalDatedate1The last Valuation date in the message.This value display the last date of the export.
For instance if the CBD is 2020-06-15, triggering message with daysForth= 5, will set the value of 2020-06-19 and triggering the message with daysBack = 5 will set the value of 2020-06-14.

IO_StatsNotifRQ | Statistics | Statistic | StatisticApplicationSets | StatisticApplicationSet

1..nThis element represents a “row” in the report and so it is repeated for the length of the report. For this report N is the number of days in the report.
@Startdate1The start date for which the statistics in the sub-elements that follow was collected.
@Enddate1The end date for which the statistics in the sub-elements that follow was collected.

IO_StatsNotifRQ | Statistics | Statistic | StatisticApplicationSets | StatisticApplicationSet | StasticCodes | StatisticCode

1..nElement with the categories at which the data has been gathered. This element is Required when sending values at room type level.

Code for the Room Type or the number "0/1" to display if it is a Pseudo Room or not, or "n/a" for Passerby-Account

  • 0 = Room
  • 1 = Pseudo Room
  • n/a = Passerby-Accounts
@StatCategoryCodeOTA_CodeType SCC0..1Code "Pseudo" Room or Code = 3 for the RoomType(Haken)(Haken)

IO_StatsNotifRQ | Statistics | Statistic | StatisticApplicationSets | StatisticApplicationSet | RevenueCategorySummaries | RevenueCategorySummary


Repeating element for each revenue value in the report (one element for NET and one element for GROSS values)

All values correspond to the totals for the date in the @Start attribute defined above.

@RevenueCategoryCodeOTA_CodeType RCC1

Code value from OpenTravel Alliance Code List Revenue Category Code (RCC).

If the Amount is 0.00 for all RevenueCategoryCode we don't display this Element 

Revenue Category Code (RCC)
@AmountMoney1Amount spent, depending on the RCC if net or gross
@CurrencyAlphaLength30..1Hotel currency (ref. ISO 4217).

IO_StatsNotifRQ | Statistics | Statistic | StatisticApplicationSets | StatisticApplicationSet | CountCategorySummaries | CountCategorySummary


@CountCategoryCodeOTA_CodeType CNT1

Code value from Open Travel Alliance Code List Count Category Code (CNT).

Count Category (CNT)


  • 8 = Physical capacity
  • 9 = Out of Order rooms
  • 10 = Rooms not available
  • 11 = Room sold
  • 12 = Room arrivals
  • 13= Room departures
  • 14 = Room cancelled (with arrival date on this specific date)
  • 19 = Day-use rooms (with arrival date on this specific date)
  • 22 = Complimentary and House use rooms


  • 8 = Physical capacity
  • 9 = Out of Order rooms
  • 10 = Rooms not available
  • 11 = Room sold
  • 12 = Room arrivals
  • 13 = Room departures
  • 14 = Room cancelled (with arrival date on this specific date)
  • 15 = No-shows (with arrival date on this specific date)
  • 19 = Day-use rooms
  • 22 = Complimentary and House use rooms

Number of rooms.



Element | @Attribute




Comments + Contents inbound





Root element of the message.





A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.




Used to match result messages (*RS) to request messages (*RQ) in asynchronous communication patterns. Therefore mandatory.





Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the format specified by ISO 8601 with time values using the 24-hour clock

(e.g., 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).






For all OpenTravel versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by a decimal value.





The default language of the property

ISO-639-1 (2-char code)


IO_HotelStatsNotifRS | Success


This is the annotation that the rate plan message batch was received successfully. It could be combined with warning messages if some of the messages in the batch had issues.


IO_HotelStatsNotifRS | Errors


Indicates an error occurred during the processing of an OpenTravel message.
If the message successfully processes, but there are business errors, those errors should be passed in the warning element.


IO_HotelStatsNotifRS | Errors | Error


An error that occurred during the processing of a message.





Mandatory. Refer to the OTA Code List: Error Warning Type (EWT).





Refers to the OTA Code List: Error Codes (ERR). 





If the receiving system is able to identify within a batch of availability status messages which specific message failed, the UniqueID of the message should be reported here. 





Describes the occurring error in short.
Example: "A room type 'XY' was not found for the code provided."


IO_HotelStatsNotifRS | Warnings


Used when a message has been successfully processed to report any warnings or business errors that occurred.


IO_HotelStatsNotifRS | Warnings | Warning


Used in conjunction with the Success element to define a business error.





Mandatory in OTA. Refers to OpenTravel Alliance EWT list (error warning type).





Refers to OpenTravel Alliance list ERR. Should be used wherever possible.





If the receiving system is able to identify within a batch of availability status messages which specific message failed, the UniqueID of the message should be reported here. 




0..1Describes the warning in short.
Example: "Insufficient Days in Report"

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